Who is paying for this?

Published September 12, 2013

by Gary Pearce, Talking about Politics, September 11, 2013.

Taxpayers are paying for big salaries and big consulting contracts at DHHS. Are they also paying for “security” so the Secretary won’t have to answer questions about what the taxpayers are paying?

An indignant TAPster emailed on Sunday: “Ned Barnett's column this morning says that Aldona Wos has ‘security personnel.’ I guess this really IS a jobs creation administration.”

Barnett wrote: “At an event during which she was expected to talk about the Affordable Care Act’s effect on North Carolina, Wos said she wouldn’t discuss it and instead spoke about freedom and her father’s experiences in World War II Poland. Reporters who approached her for comment after that and other public appearances have said they were blocked by her security personnel.”

The TAPster asked a question all inquiring minds want answered. Who, exactly, is this “security staff.” State troopers? Private security? And who is paying?

In 40 years around Raleigh, I have never known a Cabinet Security to have his or her own security. The only high official I remember who was obsessed with security was Insurance Commissioner John Ingram. Enough said.


September 12, 2013 at 9:12 am
Richard Bunce says:

... the same people that paid for all your crap over the last Century.