Published March 3, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, February 28, 2014.
March 3, 2014 at 3:04 pm
wafranklin says:
Conjoin Bob Geary and his slanderous comments with this malicious item by Gary Pearce and you have a cluster of Voller Haters. They have noting to contribute save personal destruction of Randy Voller. Of course I certainly think poorly about Campbell's inclusion of this poisonous trash in Spin, but then he has no reason not to slander Voller - all his friends are doing it. And, all based on lies. I just talked to a former member of the legislature and that person said, "perceptions are all" and "Voller is the object of serial vilification. The main stream media is bad, but the blog types are worst. Keep it rolling, lies and lies and lies. Tell me Campbell, are you into unwarranted personal destruction Like Pearce and Geary? You guys want to keep the old Democrats, who have turned into the Malcontent Caucus, warping into C4s and getting their own candidates - telling people NOT to give to the Party. What a bunch of assxxxs.
March 3, 2014 at 6:39 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Here's hoping the spotlight stays on Voller. Here's hoping the Demons are in disarray come November. There are those 51%'ers that will vote for them anyway cuz they never consider voting any other way. Unlike Republicans who stay home when there isn't a good candidate running, Demon voters get to the polls anyway. It could be because of the sermons heard at Demon-based churches, it could be the buses from those churches to the polls, or it could just be that Demon voters are more committed to their party. But when Republicans put up a wanna-be, someone who is indistinguishable from a Demon, we tend to stay home and not vote at all.
If the Demoncrat Party is in disarray, it could bode well for the Republican candidates. Which in turn would be good for the state and the nation as a whole. Voller may be the worst thing to happen to the Demons in a long time. From my perspective, just being a DemocRAT is reason to vote AGAINST someone. Just being inclined to assume more intrusive, more powerful, more regulation-centered, more control oriented is reason to vote against someone. But it would be nice if the Republicans could put up candidates that actually stood up for individual liberty, self-determination, self-worth, personal responsibility. I'll take individual every time over 'the collective'. The sooner we get rid of the central planners like Harry, Nancy, K, Barack, the better off the people will be, the better off the nation will be, the easier it will be to get our financial house in order.
(FYI: the 51%'ers refers to those in the demon party who don't know the earth revolves around the sun or those who don't know it does so every year.)