Tillis out of the closet?

Published April 9, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, April 8, 2014.

How would Republican primary voters feel about a prominent supporter of gay marriage holding a fundraiser for Thom Tillis in New York City?


That would be Paul Singer, a hedge-fund CEO whom the Washington Postcalls “the money man behind pro-gay marriage Republicans.”


The Post reported that, “Last week, Singer and other donors threw two fundraisers for Republican candidates in New York City. The first one supported Thom Tillis, the House speaker in the North Carolina state legislature….The event raised about $280,000.”


The Post calls Singer “one of the foremost backers of LGBT rights on the right. Since 2010, Singer has spent more than $10 million trying to get states to legalize gay marriage and get Republicans to join the battle.”


Tillis is walking a fine line here. He was Speaker when gay-bashing Republicans pushed through the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. But he predicted that it would be repealed before very long. And he’s being pressed in the primary by opponents who would love to bash him on the gay-marriage issue.


Now, in fairness, Singer’s political giving also reflects his conservative views on economics and financial regulation. But we wonder whether Tillis wants Republican primary voters in North Carolina to know about Singer.


We’re glad to help. And maybe this is a sign of how fast public opinion is moving on gay marriage.


April 9, 2014 at 9:44 am
Norm Kelly says:

Once again, repeat the same lie often enough and loud enough and some people will start to believe it. Most of the time the people who believe it are leaning left anyway, so darn few people are swayed by the lie. Regardless of how often it's repeated. And you can count on libs to repeat it every chance they get. Most of the time libs will insert the lie even when it's completely out of place, off topic, just to get it in.

Take Gary's post for instance. Gary writes Tillis 'was Speaker when gay-bashing Republicans...'. Why is it that it HAS to be gay bashing. The left is unwilling to admit that same-sex/deviant marriage is all about money. The issue of equal treatment under the law has virtually NOTHING to do with deviant marriage desires. In every discussion of this type of union, the left will mention the inability to visit their loved one in the hospital, or some other such nonsense. This DOES NOT take the state recognizing gay marriage in order to change visitation requirements. It takes a policy change at the institution in question, which is easily accomplished. And just because Maine recognizes your union does not mean that NC is REQUIRED to recognize the joining. Why would we be REQUIRED to recognize it? We are allowed to have our own rules. If you don't like the rules, you have the ability to move to a state where it is recognized. Or Chapel Hill, whichever is closer.

But, when you actually listen to advocates of forcing me to recognize their deviant behavior you get to the heart of their concerns. It ALWAYS and foremost comes down to money. If the state recognizes this union, then they get state benefits. If the state recognizes their union, then their employer is required to provide benefits. If the state recognizes their union, they get spousal social security benefits. And the list of areas where they want to get money from just keeps going. I don't know all of the government benefits that will be required to be paid to gay marriage people. There are way too many government programs that will be forced to recognize these 'couples' if gay marriage is recognized. No one can keep track of all the government programs. So no one can keep track of how much it will cost the nation to pay benefits under all these programs.

But the one thing that is known by the LGBT community is that if they can FORCE states to recognize their deviant behavior, they are in line for LOTS OF MONEY. Oh, and the hospitals and other institutions will then be required to allow visitation. Or whatever other nonsense they complain about. But this is ONLY a bi-product of the money grab issue.

Don't take my word for it. Listen to the gay marriage proponents sometime. Pay close attention to their words. You too will conclude, rightly, that their major concern is about benefits. To the average person this may not register. But to those who pay attention, 'benefits' is left-wing code for 'money and lots of it'. Just like 'voter id' is right-wing code for 'black voter suppression'. The difference is that the left-wing code is true. The right-wing code is simply made up by lefties who couldn't recognize the truth even when it slaps them across the face. Like most facts that hit lefties, completely unrecognized.

April 10, 2014 at 7:05 pm
jc douglas says:


April 11, 2014 at 8:53 am
Rip Arrowood says:

Could the format for responses be changed to something more like Twitter? I think a limit on the number of characters used would make a lot of replies much more bearable...