Move on
Published March 29, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, March 28, 2014.
March 30, 2014 at 6:38 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Unfortunately, too many have short-term memory, others have short attention spans.
Obamascare should be a major item on everyone's radar until it is finally repealed. There is NOTHING positive that can be said about ANY variety of socialized medicine.
None of the numbers concerning this phase of socialized medicine is good. Too few young invincibles are signing up, refusing to be soaked so someone else can get a break on their premiums. Too many private pay insurance buyers were terminated unexpectedly. Too many of those people have had trouble getting through the central planner website.
Add to all the negative numbers about socialized medicine phase 1 the seemingly endless delays that Heir Dictator has implemented, realizing that all the delays are being done to protect Demoncrats, and you too will come to the conclusion that socmed phase 1 is doomed. (socmed a shortcut for socialized medicine, just like socsec is short for social security) If the delays, contrary to the wording of the law, were implemented because the plan was so successful, you would hear every DemoncRAT politician, every lib, every media type (talk about redundant!) yelling the good news from every rooftop. Except the only good thing that libs, even Mr. Pearce, can say about socmed is that people will have forgotten about it by the next election cycle. One of the absolute worst pieces of legislation to become law in one heck of a long time, and the best libs can ask for, hope for, pray for is that people forget about it. But what if the company mandate isn't delayed until after the election? What if companies start notifying their employees of the disastrous changes as early as September? Then how will the demon party respond to the outcry of the people who are getting screwed during this round of 'positive' news about socmed? How will the demons and the news media and the libs (redundancy again!) spin this bit of bad socmed news? Will Harry hit the Senate floor again to tell people they are liars or simply incapable of getting around on the Internet?
Gary, how do you spin socmed? Do you agree with Harry that people are just generally too stupid to get around the central planners website? Do you also believe that all the problems are related to a faulty website and go no deeper? Do you also believe that socmed is a good thing and will be successful in America? If so, please show documentation from anywhere else in the world where socmed is successful that gives you hope. Cuz if libs started being honest with themselves and the sheeple, yous would all have to admit that socmed is as doomed to failure here as it is everywhere else it's been tried. Just ask Mike Moore about his time in Cuba trying to document how good their socmed program works. If you watch his video (what a timewaster that is!) you too would realize that his documentary is one-sided and biased but you can still see the failure of the plan in what he does show. (btw: watching a mike moore docucomedy or an algore reality show about global warming is almost as much a waste of time as watching 'eat, love, pray' or whatever it's name is. never have i felt so cheated as when i finished that piece of garbage. anyone who still thinks that is a good movie either hasn't seen it or has become brain dead watching mike or algore!) But anyone who hasn't drunk the Mike or Algore kooaid can see reality and knows without doubt that socmed is bad, is doomed, and shouldn't be a thing of the past by the time elections crop up again. Mr. Pearce can hope & pray all he wants, but people like me will continue to hound people like K about their stance on socmed. Cuz the bottom line is that anyone who believes in socmed also believes in other socialist programs and ideas. Those people should be invited to leave our country free and move their socialist butts to someplace that already like their ideas.