Blog post blurts out the truth

Published April 24, 2014

by Civitas Review Online, April 23, 2014.

In the wake of a whistleblower resigning (translation: being pushed in front of a bus) from the University of North Carolina, one political observer provides a revealing look at the mindset of the "progressive" side. It’s in a blog post by Gary Pearce, a former N&O reporter and a longtime aide, and “unabashed fan,” of ex-Gov. Jim Hunt, a progressiveDemocrat.

The blog post complains, about the news coverage of the academic scandal:

Some true-blue Heels will tell you this is all a vendetta by The News & Observer. Some of my fellow Wolfpackers – who haven’t gotten over the N&O’s pursuit of Jim Valvano – are loving it. I’m not. The university is a big part of why North Carolina has long been a progressive state. And the J School is a veritable well that waters the state with aggressive, progressive journalism. Now, two of those great progressive institutions – the university and the N&O – are at war. Can’t somebody negotiate a truce here?

Let’s look at some of the revelations here, some perhaps revealed unwittingly.

You’d think that the state’s most lauded public university and one of its leading news sources would be dedicated to providing objective, reliable information to all segments of the public. But this blog post lets the cat out of the bag: UNC and the N&O have for some time been dedicated to furthering progressive ideology. The university and the newspaper instead of providing education and news have been peddling propaganda and indoctrination.

It’s especially damning to think that “the J School is a veritable well that waters the state with aggressive, progressive journalism.” As the Carolina Plott Hound website noted, that simply acknowledges the obvious. Back in the day, journalism meant the craft of trying to present a reasonably fair picture of the news. But at UNC, the J School has dedicated itself to training young people in the dark art of slanting the news to the progressive side. And by implication, the N&O is on the same side.

You’d think Tar Heel liberals would run shrieking from the “progressive” label. In the crucial last years of the 19th century, and the early decades of the 20th, the N&O was run by one of the state’s most powerful figures, Josephus Daniels. He was an avowed progressive – and a white supremacist. (See NC State professor Lee Craig’s biography of Daniels.) He and the other progressive leaders ran the White Supremacy campaign of 1898 that trampled on the rights of black people, and ushered in decades of segregation.

Our most recent Civitas Review magazine lays out the whole sordid story; call us at 919-834-2099 and ask about getting a copy.

As for those bastions of progressivism, it’s hardly the case that the N&O and UNC are at war. This is too juicy a story for the newspaper to ignore if it is to maintain even a veneer of being a news outlet. Also, bashing sports is an item on the progressive agenda.

So any conflict between these "great progressive institutions" will be short-lived. Probably the progressives involved figure it will blow over soon, and they can go on with their respective missions. But for one moment, anyway, the truth has been acknowledged: the N&O and the UNC J School are tools of the progressive agenda.

Josephus Daniels would be proud.

April 24, 2014 at 9:35 am
Norm Kelly says:

Libs are funny people. Let's look at some of the reasons why I can truthfully say this.

When a lib looks at a black person, what do they see first? Their skin color. They then make all kinds of assumptions about that person before they even speak to each other. Like education level, marital status, economic status.

When a lib encounters facts, what is their first response? Hard to say because they have so many. It's probably a tie between: ignore it, claim it's a lie told by Republicans, ignore it, question whether the information was produced by some conservative group like the Koch brothers, lie about it, ignore it, bring forth 1 or 2 people from fly-over country where this fact just isn't true - and they can usually find only 1 or 2 to tug at our heart strings. Oh, and they lie about it. They claim the information is racist. They claim conservatives hate the poor. They claim conservatives only want to secure the borders because we hate 'mexicans'. Which also translates into racism. Where is the truth in the lib response?

When a lib talks about someone else, if they are conservative/Republican, they will start with 'conservative ...' or 'Republican ...'. When they refer to themselves or another lib, they ignore/refuse to credit their party affiliation.

When a lib supports ANY policy, their first response is as a lib or Demoncrat, their last thought is about their constituents. Take K's decision to support socialized medicine. Good for the people? Good for the party & the elite? Definitely, demonstrably not good for the people. Good for the party so long as they can keep it in place long enough to keep the people down and create even more of an elite class of controlling demons.

Take the N&O and Gary. Libs first. Nothing else second. Is anyone surprised that Gary lovingly describes the N&D as pushing the lib agenda? No. This is the main, if not only, reason that Gary used to work there and continues to write editorials. The J School? Maybe it's possible that someone, somewhere, in a caver perhaps, might have thought that some part of a State University was NOT a major supporter of, producer of, biased in every respect toward progressivism. But it would be interesting for anyone to try to find that person. Throw a dart on a college campus or within the 'mainstream' media campus and you stand a 99.99% chance of hitting a lib. Lib first, nothing else second. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel!

K is first and foremost a progressive. Her interest is NOT in the people who voted her into office. Her fist thought, based on her history, is for the party and more specifically how her vote will impact the party IN WASHINGTON.

What's the one thing libs don't want us to know about them? Exactly what Gary posted. Claiming himself to be a progressive/socialist/elitist would be bad enough. But for Gary to drag others down with him is unforgivable. Defense of the lib rag N&D and the J School will start immediately. Though since Gary's is a lib blog, there's a good chance that only a dozen or so people have read it. The N&D will start it's defense of the university soon enough. Then they can be on the same page again, and try to claim they are simply a newspaper. But they don't know news. They know socialism and only socialism. Who exactly is surprised by the N&D, Gary, or J School?

I guess the only real surprise here is that Gary is so blatant about claiming who is & who is not a socialist. But then, forcing someone out of the closet is a new game for libs. They love it. But don't you have to be in the closet before someone can out you?

Time for news!