NC Spin Articles

NC Needs More Competition

Competition is an indispensable tool for promoting efficiency, innovation, and excellence. Its virtues are evident in virtually every field of human endeavor, including commerce, athletics, science...    Read More

by John Hood   |   October 25, 2012

Reality check on unemployment taxes

You don’t have to listen to the political debate in North Carolina for long before someone brings up the $2.8 billion the state owes the federal government for unemployment insurance funds the state...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   October 25, 2012

Can the Undervote Decide the Election

In Presidential Elections, great effort is made to try to identify the voting group that will ‘make the difference’ between victory and defeat.  This year, the race in North Carolina could be...    Read More

October 18, 2012

Education Points to Ponder

The latest word from the State Board of Education is graduation rates for North Carolina are at an all-time high, 80%. Yet polls suggest confidence in public schools has declined dramatically. Let us...    Read More

by Gene Arnold   |   October 18, 2012

The Regulatory Burden Soars

RALEIGH — As Democrats and Republicans in this election year continue to debate the optimal level, type, and distribution of the tax burden, they are paying insufficient attention to what I believe...    Read More

by John Hood   |   October 18, 2012

Passing the Torch

Memorial Hall in Chapel Hill was filled with princes and paupers gathered to pay tribute to Bill Friday. This wonderful memorial to an iconic leader was punctuated by the benediction from his longtime...    Read More

October 18, 2012

Bill Friday: North Carolina's Greatest Friend

Everyone is struggling to find superlatives to adequately describe Bill Friday  and I suspect all  feel inadequate in finding the right words. I think it enough to say that he was North Carolina’s...    Read More

October 13, 2012