NC Spin Articles

The UNC System

My upfront disclaimer: I am a rabid supporter of one of our State's greatest and oldest assets - the University of NC System, UNC. I am a proud alumnae of UNC at Chapel Hill but I not only believe in...    Read More

January 26, 2013

Keep the Out-of-State Enrollment Cap

Hold the percentage of out of state enrollment at 18%.  Better still, reduce it to 10% and severely penalize any school which finds ways to get around the cap.  Out of state kids come to North...    Read More

by Gene Arnold   |   January 26, 2013

McCrory and the nullifiers

One of the highlights of the annual Triangle Interfaith MLK Prayer Breakfast in Durham every year is the recitation of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech by a young student. This year the packed...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   January 23, 2013

How do you eat an elephant?

Many of us are familiar with the old riddle that asks “How do you eat an elephant?”   The answer is “One bite at a time.” The prospect of tax reform must look like the proverbial elephant to...    Read More

January 18, 2013

Bi-Partisan or Bust

Senate President Pro Tem is out of the gate with tax reform. He is calling for reduction, possible elimination, of personal and corporate income taxes and increases in consumption taxes that would...    Read More

January 18, 2013