NC Spin Articles

Don’t Plan for Failure

Any plan for rejuvenating North Carolina’s economy by drawing down and spending more federal money is a plan for failure. At most, it would generate a ripple of economic activity in the short run...    Read More

by John Hood   |   March 19, 2013

NC Shifts from Blue to Red

Following the 2010 election, we analyzed county commission seats in North Carolina and recorded a shift from almost completely Democratic in the early 1970s to a near even split between Republicans...    Read More

March 15, 2013

Voter ID: Much Ado About Nothing

If you go to the hospital for surgery, they take a picture of you before you can leave the waiting room.   You must show proof of residency today in order to vote.  Voter registrars require a...    Read More

by Gene Arnold   |   March 13, 2013

Voter ID: Show your cards

Every poll that comes out shows North Carolinians support voter id with pretty convincing numbers. Why? It is a simple concept to grasp on a poll because the majority of people have photo...    Read More

March 13, 2013

Joe Mavretic's Perspective on Voter ID

There are many reasons why Every American Citizen should have a current photo identification card. This question has been framed as a debate about voting rights but it is actually about identification...    Read More

by Joe Mavretic   |   March 13, 2013