NC Spin Articles

Dropout rate playing with numbers

The Beaufort Observer, August 12, 2013. Politicians who run for office always look for issues they thin will get them votes. I suspect if you could accurately assess it, the high school "dropout" rate...    Read More

August 12, 2013

Public sector job loss concerns overblown

Perhaps you’ve read that governments are shedding jobs as the private sector makes employment gains. As Barron’s “Economic Beat” columnist Gene Epstein says in his latestpiece, the...    Read More

August 12, 2013

NC Teachers are fed up

Editorial by News and Observer, August 10, 2013. North Carolina, a right-to- work state, doesn’t have teachers unions, but as teachers return to their classrooms this month they’ve never been more...    Read More

August 12, 2013

Senate GOP out-raises Dems 12 to 1

Senate Republicans out-raised their Democratic counterparts by more than 12 to 1 during the first half of 2013, and GOP senators had four times more cash remaining in their campaign accounts than...    Read More

August 12, 2013

Gaining on reducing obesity

Editorial by News and Observer, August 9, 2013. For kids, obesity has many side effects, beyond the established health problems it can bring later in life, from diabetes to heart disease. Kids who are...    Read More

August 12, 2013

McCrory cites accomplishments and goals

As Gov. Pat McCrory ponders the 38 bills he has yet to sign from the spring legislative session, he is contending with a microcosm of his political push and pull with lawmakers during the recently end...    Read More

August 12, 2013

NC's Republican tax experiment

Tax reform is still all talk, talk, talk in Washington. And many expect real action could take years. But not in North Carolina. The state has taken a very big first step in overhauling its tax code...    Read More

August 11, 2013

Historically illiterate

Editorial in Jacksonville Daily News, August 9, 2013. “Why is it important if you don’t know the facts about Yorktown? It means you have no idea it was the last battle of the Revolutionary War...    Read More

August 11, 2013

If tax rates don't matter...

After the North Carolina General Assembly enacted its tax-reform package last month, critics denied it would have a positive effect on the state’s economy. Among other arguments, they advanced the...    Read More

by John Hood   |   August 11, 2013