NC Spin Articles

NBC/WSJ poll: GOP on the rise

Republicans are now leading Democrats on handling several key issues, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. The poll, released Friday, shows more Americans think that the Republicans are...    Read More

September 14, 2013

Free advice for the Gov

Yesterday came word that Governor Pat McCrory’s poll numbersare in perpetual decline. His approval rating has fallen to 35%, compared to a 53% disapproval rating. That is not good. In a...    Read More

September 14, 2013

Set the bar higher

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, September 13, 2013. In high jumping, raising the bar means the athlete is more likely to fail. But there’s no other way to improve her mark. Also in high jumping...    Read More

September 14, 2013

Poor verdict for Charlotte's law school, so far

What's the largest law school in North Carolina by enrollment? Not Carolina, Duke or Wake Forest. Not N.C. Central, Campbell or Elon. It's Charlotte. It also may be least successful at this point in...    Read More

September 13, 2013

Listening to Voters

A veteran political hand once gave me this insight into how political people overestimate how much attention voters are paying: “The voters listen a lot slower than we talk.” Two pieces of recent...    Read More

September 13, 2013