Sorry doesn't make it right
Published November 12, 2013
by Dr. Ada Fisher, author and Republican National Committeewoman, November 12, 2013.
If you shot someone and he dies whether intentionally or not, you can’t take it back.
If your words are hurtful, the sting and their indelible impact belies the expressed ending “but words can never hurt me.”
And, if you compromise the health of American citizens with insurance legislation that notes that you have to pass it before anyone has a chance to read and absorb its 2,798 pages, the damage done through its missed quirks as designed may make health care even less affordable than previously the case.
For Obama to say he’s sorry because millions will, as his critics all along noted, see their insurance cancelled is not acceptable. Many will also not be able to keep their own doctors and while some may get cheaper care, those who work and already pay a large tax will likely suffer most. They will in essence pay for others that which they themselves may not be able to afford.
Sorry doesn’t cut it because of the willful deceit perpetrated on the American public looking for a bargain without reading the fine print, now ending up with a whopper of a zonker. Republicans were right to try to limit the cost of Obamacare=Affordable Care Act for it is fast becoming the un-Affordable Care Act.
The things which make ACA attractive are those things which also make it cost prohibitive, i.e. no adjustment for risk or risky behaviors, no penalties for preexisting conditions and no cap on total cost for many high demand services.
Immediate adjustments in ACA must be made if it is to be saved including as Mitt Romney the father of this concept suggests, phasing in over time some portions of it. The individual mandate should be eliminated since that for business has been disallowed. The ability of the IRS to levy, impound or garnish funds from a citizen’s bank account without their consent on this must be stopped. At risk is the ability of people to keep their providers and health advantage supplements or supplementary policies which are not in favor with the Obama administration.
On the front line should be Congress, the executive branch, unions and those businesses given an exemption from compliance with Obamacare while this tax burden is dumped in the laps of average tax payers. (Remember the way this bill passed the muster of the Supreme Court was to call it a tax which was another lie the Obama administration argued though his words said something totally different.) Everyone should be brought into the fold or no one should be required to so participate.
For those over 65 who are eligible for Medicare, question whether you need Part D and go for part F less you be unable to avoid the likely resulting cost of care.
It will be several years before the true cost of Obamacare will be appreciated. Policies are now being issued with ridiculous deductibles of $5000 while the insurance companies continue to make millions if not billions in profits.
Tighten your belts for this isn’t over. Rest assured that the verdict isn’t in on how we are to be reasonably insured in an economy where there are not enough jobs to support the government's largesse.