NC Spin Articles

What will young people think of us?

Tired of hearing the New York Times’ opinion of North Carolina politics? Me, too. Besides, it might matter more what the satirists say on Comedy Central. John Oliver, filling in for Jon Stewart on...    Read More

August 15, 2013

What is the purpose of education?

Thomas Sowell devotes his latest column to a question that ought to have an obvious answer: Are schools places to provide jobs for teachers or education for students? We pay a lot of lip service to...    Read More

August 15, 2013

How Obamacare fears add to NC unemployment

President Obama has outlined several broad policy goals intended to raise middle class incomes, encourage upward mobility and provide basic services like education and health care. While the goals...    Read More

August 15, 2013

The joke’s on liberals

Some readers who get news only from The News & Observer, the Daily Show, MSNBC or the New York Times might think North Carolina has fallen off the planet or been transported back seven centuries or...    Read More

August 15, 2013

North Carolinians Fear the End of a Middle Way

When Pat McCrory, a Republican former mayor of Charlotte, was elected governor last year, he pledged to “bring this state together,” and to focus on bread-and-butter issues amid an ailing economy...    Read More

August 14, 2013

Where's the compassion?

The Rev. Mike Aiken, letter to Greensboro News and Record, August 12, 2013. In my nearly 40 years of ministry with the poor, I’ve never seen a more desperate time for those in need! If the Great...    Read More

August 14, 2013

North Carolinians Oppose Voter Bill

PPP's newest North Carolina poll, conducted over the weekend, finds that only 39% of voters in the state support the voting/elections law to 50% who are opposed to it. It's true that voter ID on its...    Read More

August 14, 2013