An eccentric

Published September 12, 2024

By Carter Wrenn

Spotting a dead whale lying on the beach in Hyannis Port, eccentric, he ran to get his chainsaw, sawed off the whale’s head, tied the head to the roof of his car, drove five hours back to his home in New York.

Another time, driving thru upstate New York, spotting a dead bear cub lying beside the road, eccentricity struck again: Pulling over he had his photo taken with his hands in the bear’s mouth, loaded the corpse into his mini-van – that night driving to New York City to meet friends for dinner, running late, he dumped the bear’s corpse in Central Park.

Over the years, full of energy, feisty, Bobby Kennedy claimed the CIA not Lee Harvey Oswald killed his uncle, that Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill his father, and led crusades to ban vaccinations, including measles vaccines.

After pulling out of the presidential race he endorsed Trump, ended up Co-Chair of Trump’s transition team – to pick people to run the government.

Politics just gets stranger and stranger.