A plan to come together as a nation
Published April 7, 2014
by Bill Moore, From the Right , April 6, 2014.
While I was attending the Conservative Leadership Conference in Raleigh, I had the privilege of hearing Matt Kibbe, President of Freedom Works. His message was simple yet profound. His six points should be a simple message to members of both parties and America in general. If all politicians/ citizens could agree to this, many of our issues in America could be solved.
Matt's first point was simple. "Do nothing to hurt people". Think if all Politicians and Government Agency leaders would follow this simple step. Decisions would be made on the greater good rather than ideology. Policies would be put in place that consider the effect on others and would be based on common sense. Think of it, the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the National labor Relations Board would make decisions in the best interest of the people not Unions or some group with a political or environmental agenda. A balance could be had between what should be done and how it effects the people. Not the attitude we are doing it no matter what you think.
The opposite is also true. we need to help others in a time of need. too often we as a people have become too callous to the needs of others. Charity to those in need should be a community response. America is the most giving nation in times of a catastrophe in all the world. It is time we turned some of our charity to those in need at home. Someday we all might be on the receiving rather than the giving end of charitable actions.
His second principal is equally simple and along with the first is the basis of English Common Law. His idea is " Do not take other people's stuff" In other words, Government must realize that they have no resources and what they give to one they must take from someone else. There is no such thing as free money. Government in the business of redistributing wealth is in fact taking people's stuff and picking winners and losers as they award the money to others. Government must realize they need to take the minimum amount they can from individuals to fund their Constitutional responsibilities. The private sector does a better job creating wealth and jobs than Government ever will.
All English Common law works around these two2 principles. The first is to not interfere with private property rights. The second is to do everything you promise another you will do. Sounds very similar to Matt's first two points. In addition it is the basis behind of all contracts.
His third premise is to "take responsibility for your actions." Think of what Washington would be like if everyone admitted their mistakes and assumed responsibility for their actions. Instead we get finger pointing and avoidance of the truth. There would be truth about Benghazi, the Affordable Care Act, IRS and NSA scandals. Americans deserve nothing less from their leaders.
His fourth premise is for everyone. If you want something" Work for it" We currently have developed a society that expects instant gratification. We have forgotten the meaning of working hard and waiting for or earning something. This directly ties with the entitlement mentality. As a nation we need to go back to the premise that hard work is good. If you work hard things will become better for you and future generations. This does not mean it will be perfect, as life is always full of pitfalls. Hard work and a belief in a God will get you through most every crisis.
His fifth premise is " To mind your own business". Too often we get involved in matters that do not concern us. This is not to say if your family or friend need help you should not assist. Even a stranger needs help at times. Look at the biblical story of the Good Samaritan. However, when your purpose is not to help but curiosity or a desire to fan the flames , you need to stay out of it. This puts the word "privacy" back in our dictionaries and lives. We do not need to know everything about everyone. Nor do you want everyone to know everything about you. Minding our own business respects another's privacy. Something that is becoming increasingly difficult in our technological times.
Finally Matt asks we as a people " Fight the Power". For a free society to remain free we must always be on guard against a government that grows too large and starts to attack our very freedoms. Remember the statement, a government that can give you everything is big enough to take everything from you. As a people we must fight to keep our freedom of individuality and those guaranteed in the Constitution.
If we can get everyone to follow these six simple principles, we could transform this Nation back to our founding philosophies. I am ready!!!
April 7, 2014 at 9:15 am
Richard Bunce says:
The greater good usually isn't...
April 7, 2014 at 12:21 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Every one of these 6 principles is AGAINST, COMPLETELY OPPOSITE of the current philosophy of the Democrat party. I know this statement can be made about too many politicians these days, even some on the Republican side. But I challenge you to name one DemocRAT at the central planner level that doesn't oppose every one of these 6 points.
'Mind your own business' is a great place to start. The demon party STANDS FOR interference in daily life. From how food is grown/produced, to what you eat, how much you eat, where you spend your money, whether you should be forced to spend your money on 'things' that you don't agree with or things that the central planners shouldn't even be involved in.
Help others in time of need. If we could only get ALL of the central planners to leave us alone, leave our money in our pockets, we would show just how generous we are. And we would do a better job of it locally than the central planners ever could. The more money the central planners take from us to spread around their way, inefficiently, the less we have in OUR pockets to donate the way WE want. When the central planners force the price of utilities to go up by interference in the market, when the central planners force the price of fuel up by interference in the market, when the central planners force the price of health care/insurance to be artificially inflated due to interference, this means I have less money of MY OWN to donate to make an actual difference in my local community.
The conclusion of this post states it very succinctly. The central planners need to get back to the Constitution. Something that the Demon party, especially the current occupier of the White House, has no concept of, no plans to do, no desire to be reminded of. The current leaders of the Demon party believe the law DOES NOT apply to them. The current occupiers of Washington from the Demon party believe THEY ARE the law, and they can change their minds on a whim, regardless of who it affects or how it affects the economy. The Demon party leadership has proven that it's their way or the highway. Just ask someone like Nancy, Harry, or K how they 'feel' about following the law and staying within the confines of the US Constitution. I doubt you'll get an answer or they will obfuscate beyond your wildest imagination. (feel because demons don't think, they feel. about everything. and they ask their supporters to feel about things as well. which too many demon supporters are willing to do. thinking is a lost 'art' for most demons and their supporters.)
April 8, 2014 at 1:56 pm
Richard Bunce says:
You don't understand Norm, you're gonna have to get your mind right...