Young and healthy not signing up for Obamacare

Published November 7, 2013

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, November 6, 2013.

In a way the Obamacare rollout is proof markets – and naked self-interest – work.


In the past, a lot of older, sicker people have been unable to get health insurance. Or afford it if they could. Or have had to pay through the nose for it.


Now, according to the Wall Street Journal, the old and ill are fearlessly wading through the snafus of and signing up.


Who’s not signing up? The young and healthy.


For years the old and ill have been trapped in a small insurance pool – made up of the old and ill.


One of the grand theories behind Obamacare was to create one big insurance pool (even including oligarchs like Congressmen) where everyone would buy health insurance. But the dirty little secret was, while getting out of the little pool they’d been trapped in and landing in the big pool was fine for older, sicker folks, it wasn’t likely to be fine at all for the young (or relatively young) and healthy.


They were looking at paying more.


And that appears to be what’s happening. The young pay more. And they aren’t signing up. The sick pay less and they are.


The Obama administration is prophesying a rush of younger people, signing up for Obamacare, is coming. Maybe so. Maybe not.  But it’s hard to see youth happy either way.

November 7, 2013 at 10:32 am
Vicky Hutter says:

Evidently some people, who when finding out how much more their health insurance premiums will cost under Obamacare, are choosing to drop health insurance and pay the fine if they become sick. Obamacare is a disaster since it was predicated on most Americans having health insurance to spread the risk and provide the pool of money to subsidize those designated as qualified for subsidy from taxpayers. An example of very poor public policy on the part of the administration and Congress.

November 7, 2013 at 11:34 am
Norm Kelly says:

There's a built-in snafu with socialized medicine as implemented by the Demoncrats of Washington. There's plenty wrong with socialized medicine; stuff that can't be fixed only eliminated. But ONE of the dirty little secrets about Obamacare is that the young & healthy do NOT need to sign up for socialized medicine part 1.

Until the young and healthy person turns 26, that person can stay on their parents insurance, bypassing Obamacare & the Demoncrat plan. So at the same time they TOLD us the young & healthy would be stupid enough to buy insurance if the premium was artificially inflated, they allowed youngsters to opt out of the plan.

Like most plans from the central planners and ALL plans from Demoncrats, there are unintended consequences that make the plan either extremely terrible for people or too expensive to maintain. Then the only solution Demoncrats can find is to tax more & spend more on the plan. Oh, wait, they always have one other alternative they try to use. They implement a NEW government agency to pick up the slack of the prior agency that is failing. Which comes with it's own new government employees, budget, and regulations.

Either way, central-planner-originated plans are doomed to fail, cost us gobs & gobs of money, and take freedom away from us to give power/control to the central planners. Which is their ultimate goal anyway.