Would you rather eat ice cream or turnips

Published August 22, 2015

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, August 21, 2015.

Admit it. You love it. We all love it. That’s why the Donald Trump for President Show rolls on and on and on. That’s why all political news – from the New York Times to Fox News to MSNBC to Inside Edition and Entertainment Tonight – is all Trump, all the time.

Staid, sober observers decry Trump’s brashness, his polarization, his over-simplifications, his insults, his obnoxiousness and offensiveness, his exaggerations, his outright lies, his braggadocio – his very Trumpery.

The serious pundits tell us it’s time to get back to serious people having serious discussions about serious issues. They offer deep political and sociological explanations for the Trump phenomenon.

But it’s simple. We watch Trump because it’s fun!

Tell the truth. Do you really want to hear Jeb Bush talk about his economic program? Do you really care what Scott Walker’s immigration plan is? Unless you’re a dedicated, decades-long Hillary-hater, do you really want to read one more deep-dive into her emails?

Hell no! Give us the Donald. Above all, he entertains us.

He says things that offend about everybody. But he also says things that ring true. Like when he calls other politicians “stupid” and “morons.” Or says he knows that politicians can be bought, because he’s bought them.

Listen to an interview or press conference with Trump. Unlike all the droning, calculating politicians we’re used to, his answers are crisp, short and blunt. They may make no sense whatsoever, but you understand them.

Trump is full color in a political world that’s all gray.

We’re disgusted with politics as usual. Now the Donald comes along and make it fun again. No wonder we don’t want to change the channel and watch the other guys.

Would you rather eat ice cream or turnips?


August 22, 2015 at 3:57 pm
bruce stanley says:

Of course the left will love Trump for "the entertainment", that is, until he actually wins the nomination, then let's see how entertaining they consider him!