
Published April 23, 2015

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, April 22, 2015.

If there’s a lonesome pilgrim out there hoping the recent Supreme Court decision will restore honor and fairness to redistricting… well, the Wizards have him surrounded. 


When Republicans dreams came true and, at long last, they got to draw their own districts, they set out to find a special kind of Wizard. 


Next the Wizards went to work carefully studying the Voting Rights Act and years of court rulings – then announced they’d reached a rock-solid conclusion: The law, the Republican Wizards said, required legislators to draw as many districts as possible where 50% of the voters were African Americans


Not 40% or 60% -- but 50%. 


And that’s what the Wizards did. 


And, up in Washington, the wise-men in Obama’s Justice Department blessed their work, saying, Amen – the Wizards had dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s and complied with the Voting Rights Act. 


And their plan worked out just fine: More Republicans were elected. More African Americans were elected. And more Democrats lost. 


Meantime, over on the other side of the isle, the Democrats were hiring their own set of Wizards who sat down, looked at each district and applied different mathematics completely – they asked, How many African Americans do we need to add to this district to elect a Democrat? 


The answers the Democratic Wizards got varied from district to district – it could be 30% in one district and 34% in another and 40% in still another – but, for Democrats, that math worked out just fine too: More Republicans would lose. More Democrats would win. But not necessarily more African Americans.


The Democrats then took the next step and sued – to replace Republican wizardry with Democratic wizardry. 


And, now, an odd thing is going to happen: The courts are going to decide which type of wizardry best serves the ends of justice. 

April 23, 2015 at 9:12 am
Richard L Bunce says:

The only answer is found in this example... no humans allowed.


April 23, 2015 at 10:35 am
Norm Kelly says:

No matter how you slice it though, gerry is alive & well in districting politics. Whether it's demons drawing the lines or Republicans drawing the lines, gerry is first & foremost in everyone's mind. Regardless of who calls for 'non-partisan' panels to make these decisions, someone will whine.

I find it extremely interesting that demon pols, and other whiners like the Rev Buffet Slayer, want to decide how many blacks need to make up a district in order to be considered 'fair'. Too many blacks, not fair. Too few blacks, not fair. Once again, we see demon pols USING blacks to achieve the demon pol goal, not for the purpose of 'helping' blacks gain economically. No help with black education. No help with jobs for blacks. Simply pandering to blacks, using blacks as pawns, for the purpose of helping the demon party.

And libs/socialists/demons/media types, all the same people by the way, say that we conservatives and Republicans are the ones who look at skin color first & foremost. What hypocrisy!

It's interesting that when the central planners look at a demon policy and accept it, it's considered settled policy. On the other hand, when a Republican plan is accepted by the central planners, libs/socialists/demons decide that it's not even close to settled policy, but it MUST go to court so the demon scheme is forced upon the people. Always with demons, their policies MUST be forced on us, even when we VOTE AGAINST their schemes, they believe they know better and MUST force their schemes upon us. Sounds an awful lot like socialism to me. Does anyone voluntarily accept socialism? Or is socialism forced on people little by little. Sometimes people are bought in order to accept socialism, but it's never just selected by choice. Socialism is always coerced or it's rejected. Kinda like the central planner scheme to take over local school policy. Too few states were accepting Communist Core, so the central planners bribed states into accepting it, and suddenly 34 states accepted the scheme without proper review. But, libs/socialists tell us that the bribe wasn't the reason so many states suddenly, and without question, decided to adopt the new scheme. No need to prove the new scheme, central planners are buying our decision, so we will go along. Another case of buying a decision instead of allowing a new scheme to be reviewed and accepted voluntarily. So it goes with all of socialism!

April 25, 2015 at 10:44 am
bruce stanley says:

Is it just me? Am I a racist? I am getting sick and tired of the Black faction of our society getting so much special treatment. There is no federal gerrymandering law for latinos or asians. They received gerrymandering to assure congressional seats. They got what they wanted. Now it's not good enough and they want something different. We can't create social engineering laws for every faction of society. This comes under the adage "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it".

April 26, 2015 at 8:02 am
Richard L Bunce says:

This is not about the 14th Amendment or Civil Rights Act... this is about political power. The Democrats want to spread out there reliable voting base just enough to maximize the number of Democrats elected as they presume they are what is best for any protected class of citizen and electing actual members of that protected class is not their goal. Minority minority districts good enough.