Without a thought
Published August 19, 2016
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, August 18, 2016.
The 24-hour-news-cycle has turned into a 20-minute-news-cycle which doesn’t leave much time to think. About all a reporter – who has a publisher demanding a new story so he can sell more Internet ads on his website – can do is grab the latest tweet by Donald Trump and let it rip.
And no one understands that better than Trump.
He feeds the news cycle in the morning on Twitter, at midday on Facebook, and in the evening at rallies. He feeds in on Saturday. And Sunday.
He says he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and people will still vote for him and news sites across the Internet go wild. It’s a new howl every 20 minutes. And Trump’s the star of the show.
There’s only one glitch: Trump’s everywhere. But Hillary’s getting the votes.
August 19, 2016 at 11:25 am
Norm Kelly says:
Trump SAID he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and people would still vote for him.
Hildabeast LIES constantly, lies about lying, and people still vehemently support her. Hildabeast TELLS people she is going to raise taxes, and people are still going to vote for her. The liar TELLS people that the failed socialized medicine scheme is only failing because government didn't take over enough of the market, and she will make sure to finish the scheme started by the current islamist occupier, and people still vote for her. Remember, she illegally tried to implement socialized medicine when she was co-president with the rapist. Not only was she not prosecuted for breaking the law to create the socialized medicine scheme, she protected her rapist husband against the women who were raped & abused. Now she claims to be the woman-supporter in the race, and people STILL vote for her.
Trump may not be the ultimate candidate, but Hildabeast is the ultimate criminal. Sad that those who CHOOSE to use the Hillary defense aren't being allowed to. Major question for all judges will be 'how can Hillary use the ignorance defense, the non-intent defense, but no one else in the nation is allowed to use it?'.
And yet, the low-information, ill-informed, voter will continue to support the beast. And too many black 'leaders' are misleading their flocks intent on supporting the beast.
Remember, you may whine about Trump, but YOU have the beast! As bad as he may be, at least it's not Hildabeast!