Why the left and right can't even talk to each other any more
Published August 26, 2016
by Leonard Pitts, published in The Charlotte Observer, August 24, 2016.
Ordinarily, I might gloat.
Last week, a prominent conservative pundit conceded a point yours truly and countless others have been making for a long time. Namely, that in their constant assaults on mainstream news media, conservatives have wrecked the very idea of objective, knowable fact. In effect, they broke reality. And Donald Trump came oozing out of the ruins.
“We’ve basically eliminated any of the referees, the gatekeepers,” said Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes in an interview excerpt that was tweeted by Oliver Darcy of Business Insider. The net effect, he said, is that Trump will say some stupid thing Sykes knows to be false, but that his listeners still expect him to parrot. And if he doesn’t, “then suddenly, I have sold out.”
“When this is all over,” he mused, “we have to go back. There’s got to be a reckoning on all this. We’ve created this monster.” He added that, “At a certain point, you wake up and you realize you have destroyed the credibility of any credible outlet out there.” As a result, he said, conservatives “are reaping the whirlwind.”
Sykes would want you to know he is not backing down from the idea that mainstream news media are biased against conservatism. Nor should he.
News media, like any institution created by human hands, harbor biases, including against the political right. I still remember the light that went on in my head when a conservative media critic decried the frequent use of the modifier “arch” to describe those who hold staunch right-wing views. After all, when’s the last time you heard someone on the left called an “arch liberal?”
That’s one example: There are others. But instead of calling out biases in the mainstream media structure or simply creating a parallel media structure to tell their side of the story as women, African-Americans, LGBTQ people and other marginalized communities have done, conservatives sought instead to raze mainstream media to the ground.
Sykes, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others advanced a narrative in which no institution or authoritative source — not statistics, not science, not history, not polls, not CBS, CNN, The Miami Herald, or The New York Times — is legitimate if it contradicts conservative orthodoxy or simply questions the latest harebrained conspiracy theory.
The result has been nothing less than the unraveling of the American mind. We have become a nation of junk history, junk science, junk fact, junk logic, junk thought, a nation where not knowing things is no longer a bar to high office and may even be an advantage, a nation where it is necessary to debate whether a birth certificate is really a birth certificate and Donald Trump followers think the election will be “rigged.”
Nor are bizarre conspiracy theories limited to the right. As anyone who has ever argued the supposed link between vaccines and autism can attest, they have infiltrated the left, too.
This, then, is the legacy of modern conservatism: a nation where left and right have no real ability to communicate across the issues that divide because, in a fundamental sense, they have no language in common. We cannot confront our most pressing problems because we cannot even discuss them.
It’s gratifying to hear Sykes admit conservative culpability, but any temptation to gloat is drowned by the reality of America’s plight. Don’t forget: We’ve now had a generation of young people come of age with ignorance, intransigence and incoherence as their daily norm. The damage from that is profound and will not be easily fixed. It took us years to get here.
It will take years more to find our way home.
August 28, 2016 at 11:44 am
Norm Kelly says:
'But instead of calling out biases in the mainstream media structure or simply creating a parallel media structure to tell their side of the story as women, African-Americans, LGBTQ people and other marginalized communities have done, conservatives sought instead to raze mainstream media to the ground.'
First, conservatives HAVE called out the bias in what used to be mainstream media. It's just that so much of the 'mainstream' is biased to the left, conservatives end up calling out the vast majority of 'mainstream' media types. And it seems that once again the response of left-wing allies, supporters and excusers for left-wing zealot pols, is for left-wingers to WHINE about being called out!
Instead of trying to even appear unbiased, lefties default to whining! And misleading their audience. Does anyone care about
mainstream whiners any more? Obviously they do or how else does one explain either Bernie or HilLIARy?
Second, conservatives HAVE created a parallel media structure. One that is vastly popular, and much more popular than much of the arch left wing media. The arch left wing media have proven to be nothing more than spokespeople, allies, confidants of arch left wing zealot politicians. Perfect examples of conservative leaning media that has been created BECAUSE of the arch left wing bias of 'mainstream' media are Fox News, Rush, Sean, and locally, Bill on WPTF. So, if the premise of this post is false, does the rest of the post become pointless? It's left wing media that is failing. CNN has lost so many viewers that they've changed their line-up - less left-wing propaganda disguised as news, more 'entertainment' shows. Viewership for MSNBC has never been good, one has to wonder how they stay on the air. Then there's lib talk radio. Fortunately, Algores attempt to brainwash his loyal followers failed so miserably that he ended up selling out to America's enemies.
'a narrative in which no institution or authoritative source ... is legitimate if it contradicts conservative orthodoxy or simply questions the latest harebrained conspiracy theory.' This is a perfect description of arch left-wing zealots. Only an educator can lead an education establishment - if a business person is put in place to manage an education institution, arch left-wing zealots are
beside themselves with angst. At this point arch left-wing zealots do everything they can to get the business person fired from their job for the simple reason that only an educator can understand education. How's that working out for arch left-wing zealots? Not too good! Education is screwed up. Educators have proven, time and again, that they are incapable of being good managers. If an arch left-wing zealot is put in authority over education, lefties celebrate the triumph. Erskin Bowles was celebrated as the savior of universities in NC. Because he's an arch left-wing zealot? Yes, no other reason. Margaret Spellings was decried as the leader of the NC system. Why? Because, and only because, she is NOT an arch left-wing zealot. Was she even given a chance by left-wing zealots? Nope. Why? Because she's not an arch left-wing zealot. No other reason was needed. And no other reason was ever offered by arch left-wing zealots. Whining was sufficient BECAUSE they are left-wing zealots. Everyone knows their default response is to whine, so they are simply allowed to whine. No reason necessary. Just whine, and expect the response you want. What have alternative, non-left-wing media types proven? Left-wing whining is not tolerated, and if ignored, the whiners get tired. Or they go to court to force their whining schemes upon the masses. What's to like about arch left-wing zealots?
remember a simple fact. Facts are those things that arch left-wing zealots refuse to recognize and do everything they can to dispel. It was NOT Donald that brought up the rigged system. It was Bernie, the socialist! And guess what, all you arch left-wing whiners!? Bernie WAS RIGHT! By default Bernie had to be right on something. It just happens that pointing out the rigged system was his ONE thing. So, give credit where credit is due. Bernie brought up the rigged system. NOT DONALD! Again, a fact that gets right by left-wing zealots because facts prove their schemes wrong.
Then there's this lie!: 'a nation where it is necessary to debate whether a birth certificate is really a birth certificate'. Who
started the birth certificate debate? Come on, whiners, put on your elementary school thinking caps; it's probably been that long
since lib pols have used their caps. It was Hillary who brought up the birth certificate first. Donald only picked up on it AFTER
Hillary. So, the liar, responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans, woman-hater, is the cause! Go back to kindergarten!
'This, then, is the legacy of modern conservatism'. Naturally, all the blame is put on conservatives. Arch left-wing zealots ALWAYS
define 'compromise' as conservatives giving up what we believe in and arch left-wing zealot socialists get everything they want.
That's the definition of compromise!??? Just like the coal ash debacle. The N&D reported that the ponds were known to be leaking FOR DECADES, yet arch left-wing socialist zealots place the blame solely on Pat! For what reason? Because if the FACTS about the coal ash debacle are known, arch left-wing pols go down in flames; our legislature and governorship remain with Republicans. And arch left-wing zealots can NOT let this happen, even if the facts need to be 'distorted' to mislead their low-information supporters.
And, as for arch left-wing zealots even TRYING to get along with Republicans or considering compromise with Republicans, let's not
forget when the arch left-wing socialist community organizer told Republicans that 'he won, elections have consequences', and NOT a
single Republican idea was allowed to be floated during the meeting. It was also this unqualified socialist who refused to even meet
with Republicans for the majority of his first term, and has done very little if anything to reach across the aisle since the second
term started. So, where's the compromise from arch left wingers? Selective memory & selective writings in order to best mislead
low-information types!? And not a single Republican alternative to Obamacancer was allowed to see the light of day. The occupier
then lied to the American people by saying that Republicans HATED his scheme and couldn't produce an alternative. Just like he lied
about keeping our policy or doctor.
'We cannot confront our most pressing problems because we cannot even discuss them.' Kinda like refusing to allow ANY white person to talk about race issues, and then WHINING because white's don't talk about race. But is the sorta-black occupier doing ANYTHING to
improve race relations? Has the kinda-black occupier done anything to reduce tensions between blacks and police; I mean besides
saying that white officers acted 'stupidly'? Also, besides having the justice department PAY protestors to be bused into Orlando
when 'his son' Trayvon was killed. We cannot deal with the failure of socialized medicine either because arch left-wing zealot pols
refuse to acknowledge how their policies are causing harm, real harm, to American families. We can't discuss the out-of-control
budget deficits because arch left-wing zealot pols, and their media allies, refuse to even acknowledge that there is a problem or that their own policies have created the problem. When it comes to the VA Health crisis, what is the arch left-wing zealot solution? More government, less choice for veterans. More money thrown down the rat hole, refusing to admit their scheme has failed! What else have arch left-wing zealots allowed when it comes to VA Health crises?
intransigence and incoherence as their daily norm.' Conservatives and those concerned about the failures of public education have
been saying this for many years. Are libs finally getting on board? Doubtful. As always, the whiners' solution will be MORE
GOVERNMENT less freedom in education choice or curriculum. Young people are coming out of school with no knowledge of how destructive socialism has been AROUND THE WORLD. Kids are coming out of school with the impression, false as it is, that global warming is man made and CAN'T be anything natural - like climate change has NEVER happened before. When it comes to incoherence, the author MUST be talking about math as taught by 'Common Core', better labeled 'Communist Core'. Having EVERY kid be forced to follow the same steps to arrive at an answer, with no deviation allowed, with no creativity from kids who are beyond the rest of the class, defines 'Common Core' quite well. Why does it take 14 steps to add 14 + 4? When the average kid grasps how to pull this off after the first explanation, why are points subtracted when a kid shows work but completes the problem in only 3 steps? Indoctrination. And incoherence. And being taught to always follow government rules; churning out good little government supporters. And who has taught these little snowflakes intransigence? Over-indulgent parents, over-indulgent schools, over-indulgent group activities (think
trophies for every sport participant!), and now businesses who are expected to provide nap space, recreation space, and free time
during work hours, so little snowflake isn't overtaxed during the normal work day! All the result of arch left-wing zealot policies
and practices. Not being taught personal responsibility has consequences. There's also the oft-used phrase from left-wing zealots:
'there oughta be a law'! Think helmets for bike riders. I'm not allowed to make the decision for my family; some left-wing do-gooder has already forced the decision upon me! Just like lefties have decided what health insurance plan is best for me, what options MUST be in the plan, and whether family members are allowed on the plan or not. Lefties, always trying to protect me from me, cuz lefties know whats best for me.
What's to admire about arch left-wing zealots? Is it their superiority complex? Is it their willingness to force their schemes upon
everyone else? How about when they force their scheme on me, they exempt themselves? Is it that they want to control my life, and
raise my children for me? How about helping me determine which bathroom/shower room I can or can not use? (the bathroom issue WAS
created by arch left-wing zealots! regardless of what left-wing media allies tell you (often!))
It sure takes a lot of typing to refute the spewings of left-wing zealots; to set the facts straight. Unfortunately, the facts reach a smaller audience than lib 'misleading' does. Truth & facts may cause heart palpitations for arch left-wing zealots, both pols & media allies, but it sure is fun to drive them crazy by using truth & facts! Wanna shutdown the blatherings of your neighborhood lib? Use facts & truth. Refer often to the lies that have been told by arch left-wing zealot pols, such as the occupier, the 'woman' president-wannabe, the N&D, and it appears the Charlotte rag.