Who has the Bigger Tent?
Published August 27, 2013
by Bill Moore, The Beaufort Observer, August 25, 2013.
How many times have we heard the Democrats say the Republican Party is in disarray? How many times have we heard the party is splintered into two factions and we are not inclusive of everyone? How many times have we heard the Democrats give suggestions on how to improve the Republican Party? Does anyone really think the Democrats are making these suggestions for the good of the Republican Party?
The Democrats define a big tent as housing a variety of ethnic or other non- mainstream sub groups. The Republican’s define the tent as housing people with divergent ideas on similar topics or beliefs.
In the Democratic Party you have the following beliefs:
- Gay Marriage
- Increased taxes especially on the Rich
- Offer as many social programs as possible to as many as possible without verification
- Big government
- Heavy regulations of Business and people’ behavior (correct foods etc.)
- Abortion without any restrictions
- Open borders
- Voting without restrictions
- Smaller military and a more isolationist policy
- Anti- business and pro –union
- Generally anti religion
- Pro marijuana usage and other drugs
- Green Energy
What is interesting is there are no voices in that party that express the opposite view on each of these topics. The Democratic Party appears to have all members in lock step with no disagreement on each of the above policies and have driven off or silenced opposition.
Let us look at the Republican Party. There are factions in the Party that argue over:
- Gay Marriage versus civil ceremonies. Though all agree all legal rights need to be protected for gay couples
- Discussions over Fair Tax, Value Added Tax, Deduction eliminations on the Rich, lowering taxes for all economic levels and business
- Offering entitlements to those that need it but verifying their need
- Limiting versus expansion of the role of Government
- Elimination of excessive business regulation that is holding back economic growth
- Arguments over pro -abortion, no abortion or limiting abortions to before 20 weeks
- Pro legal immigration, what to do with illegals already here, deport them or allow them to stay, discussions over securing borders before any legalization process.
- How to ensure the right to vote while guaranteeing that each vote is valid by eliminating fraudulent voting, How to expand Voter outreach
- Large military and discussions over how much involvement in international affairs. There are some that also support a basic isolationist policy
- Right to work laws vs. union support
- Belief in God and protection of religious beliefs, atheists
- Pro and anti – marijuana legalization
- Support for Green energy but not being government subsidized. Continued use of fossil fuels until the renewable energy becomes economically viable.
The Media consistently reports how splintered the Republican Party has become. They point out almost daily the battles between the Tea Party members, Libertarian members, Religious Right, the Moderates and the more liberal Republicans.
Again, why are the varied topical voices of opposition not heard in the Democratic Party? They are quite loud in the Republican Party. Does this mean we are splintered? I think not. Remember it was Reagan who said if you agree with a candidate 70% of the time, he is your candidate. The Republican Party is big enough to house members with opposing beliefs and allow them a voice. The Democrats do not. If diversity of views is an indication of the size of the tent of a Party, the Republicans have a GP Large tent while Democrats are pitching pup tents.
In your opinion- who has the bigger tent?
You Decide!!!
August 27, 2013 at 6:21 am
Jacob J Jacobs says:
Well my goodness, I realize NC Spin is open to spin from all sides in our state, and that is a good thing. But do we have to read Faux-News-styled untruths on the NC Spin site?? Mr. Moore doesn't believe a word he wrote. This was just a radical right propaganda piece to try and scare the bejesus out of low-information North Carolina citizens.