Where Do You Stand, Pat?

Published July 9, 2013

By Gary Pearce, "Talking About Politics," July 9, 2013.

Governor McCrory’s waffling on the abortion bill recalls the old mountaineer who listened to a slick politician give a long-winded, on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand answer to a tough issue. Finally, the mountaineer demanded: “Son, are you fer it or agin’ it?”


McCrory shouldn’t kid himself that he can pass off the bill as protecting women’s health. A law that shuts down all but one of the places in the state where women can get abortions IS the threat to women’s health.


He can put hair gel on this pig, but it’s a pig. There is no middle ground. You’re fer it or agin’ it.


People who are agin’ it should hope that the First Lady opposes it as strongly as she opposes puppy mills. She seems to stiffen the Governor’s spine.


What McCrory really wants is for the House to take this cup from his lips. He said he hoped lawmakers would discuss the issue “during the next several days, or weeks or months or whatever it takes to understand that process.”


Any delay, of course, will make the Republican red-hots hot. But McCrory figures that’s Thom Tillis’ problem.

July 9, 2013 at 6:27 pm
dj anderson says:

Are you really asking the governor to either be whole hog against abortion or for it? Does Gary really want that? Careful what you wish for!

Since the tone of the article seems to put Gary as supporting abortion on demand, this blog seems to be like the matador gouging the bull with banderillas to goad & prolong its agony. Of course, McCrory is the bull.

Abortion is an ugly thing, the thought of an unwanted child, and dreadful deed with the deliberate ending of a life. Even pro-choicers like Gary don't want to be called 'pro-abortion,' do they? There's a reason.

Pro-lifers want McCrory the politician to cease his "3 monkey act" regarding abortion and to start stopping the deaths. The Governor might not want to see, speak or hear of abortion, trying to let the issue lay, but here Gary is pushing him into the arena. Again, as a pro-choicer, is that a wise act?

Sure, tormenting the bull has its own political value, but its dangerous.

Under that handshaking Governor's suit & tie, and behind that baby-kissing smile is a man who I suspect doesn't want to be complicit in ending life of innocents. There is no justice in abortion as they might be with capital punishment. This issue goes to bed with someone and looks at you in the eye when kissing those babies on the campaign trail to come.

As Gary put it, the 'cup is at his lips' and how can the man wash his hands of it now? The Governor is writing his place in history.

I was pro-abortion in 1968, before "pro-choice" was a term, but I 'saw the light' in 1990 after the high-school-surprise granddaughter I would

had aborted was born and I saw, and held in my arms, the life I thought too inconvenient to be allowed to live. Nothing will take away my responsibility for my years of political support of abortion on demand, and those millions aborted weighs on my soul, but I do believe in repentance and won't add one more life ended onto my burden.

Abortion on demand is the law of the land. I render unto Caesar that right (to use Biblical terms) but my objection to abortion is based on being abhorrent to ending life. I don't like stepping on an ant in my house. I would never inject acids onto a fetus. I would not pull the lever at the gallows. Why would I support, now that I know, the ending of a human life with distinct DNA from its mother.

One day soon, there will be created by science a key to turn on and off human reproductive organs, and this horrific generation of killing will again be seen as what it is, and despised.

Maybe Gov. McCrory will decide where he stands, and stand up for life. The right to life is the civil rights issue of our age. Do stand up Governor and take a stand. Lead us.

PS I can't understand at all how my party, the Democratic Party, has become the pro-abortion rights party and the Republican party the anti-abortion rights party. Explain that to me, please, and please, let your mind be free to change your stance on abortion, either way. Be a free thinker and not a party-liner.