What's behind the 'bathroom bill?'
Published April 4, 2016
by D.G. Martin, One on One and host NC Bookwatch on UNC-TV, April 3, 2016.
Was passing the new “Bathroom Bill” the biggest mistake the current North Carolina General Assembly has made so far?
Or was it just one in a series of similar overreaching legislative efforts that offend groups of citizens, discourage businesses and organizations from dealing with our state, and subject us to ridicule?
Or, instead, was it another carefully thought out political ploy to affect election results this fall, this time by mobilizing a group of angry voters to protect the positions of those in power?
The Bathroom Law, or House Bill 2, or “An Act to Provide for Single-Sex Multiple Occupancy Bathroom and Changing Facilities in Schools and Public Agencies and to Create Statewide Consistency in Regulation of Employment and Public Accommodations,” its official title, overturned a nondiscrimination ordinance adopted by the Charlotte City Council on February 22. Charlotte added sexual orientation and gender identity to categories protected by existing nondiscrimination ordinances. It also provided that transgender people could use the bathroom of the gender they identified with.
On March 21 House Speaker Tim Moore and Lt. Gov. Dan Forest called a special session for March 23 to deal with the issue. In a rushed session, with limited time for review and discussion, House Bill 2 passed; Gov. Pat McCrory signed; and it became law on the same day.
The new law provides that all public bathrooms of government agencies “be designated for and only used by persons based on their biological sex.”
It did more. It prohibited local government from expanding state non-discrimination protections or establishing minimum wages higher than the state standards.
State non-discrimination laws do not protect gay and transgender people. The state’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour.
The response from across the nation came quickly.
According to an Associated Press report, the High Point Furniture Market said, “dozens of buyers have said their employees won’t attend to shop the new offerings of manufacturers and wholesalers. Opponents of the law also are on social media calling for a boycott of the market, which has an annual statewide economic impact of $5 billion.”
The NCAA and the NFL signaled that the state’s backtracking on non-discrimination could affect their plans for events in North Carolina.
Some observers said the new law threatens billions of dollars in federal education funding.
U.S. Secretary of Transportation and former Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx said that federal transportation dollars might be imperiled.
More than 100 corporate leaders, including those of Bank of America, IBM, Apple, Intel, Google, and American Airlines, signed a letter calling for the repeal of the new law. According to the letter, the new law “will make it far more challenging for businesses across the state to recruit and retain the nation's best and brightest workers and attract the most talented students from across the nation. It will also diminish the state's draw as a destination for tourism, new businesses, and economic activity.”
Did House Speaker Tim Moore have any idea that there would be so much negative and financially detrimental reaction to the new law?
If he did, the lesson for him should be that the orderly, slow, careful examination of proposed new laws that usually accompanies proposed legislation in regular sessions ought to be followed in every possible case.
But Speaker Moore already knows this lesson. I think he would have preferred a more deliberative process if his hand were not being forced by an ultra-conservative faction of the House Republican caucus that thinks he is too moderate.
On the other hand, a wise and experienced former legislator told me the other day, “Don’t be fooled, D.G. They knew exactly what they were doing. This new law will mobilize their base and add two percent to their voter turnout in the fall— maybe just enough to win the governor’s race for them.”
April 4, 2016 at 2:10 pm
Richard L Bunce says:
The Legislature should just stick to principle and not specific issues. In NC municipalities are State Charted Municipal Corporations created by the Legislature with very limited powers identified in State Statutes and in the Municipal Charter for each municipality. For far too long the Legislature has not been performing proper oversight of their creations as the abuse the powers they were given and assume powers they were never given. A simple re-declaration of that general principle would have sufficed to accomplish the goal without the specific enumeration of a couple powers NC municipalities had never been granted.
April 5, 2016 at 10:33 am
Richard L Bunce says:
... based on the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution.
The powers not delegated to the NC municipalities by the NC Legislature in the NC Statutes or the municipalities Charter are reserved to the State or to the people.
April 4, 2016 at 3:32 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Sorry DG there's one more choice that didn't cross your mind.
Or was it the right thing to do, protecting the majority of citizens throughout the state, and putting the local politicians back in their place. The result of local governments over-reaching their authority is to be put back in place by the organization that is RESPONSIBLE for maintaining sanity throughout the state.
What was wrong with the Charlotte bathroom bill? The answer would be so long and detailed as to have every reader fall asleep, and be pointless. The easier thing is to document everything that was right with the Charlotte over-reach.
Now, wasn't that much easier. Certainly was a much shorter list.
And now we don't have ANOTHER protected group of demon voters who get to force their corrupt lifestyle upon the rest of us. No local ordinance providing the opportunity for cover for sexual deviants. Which this definitely would have led to!
Sanity trumps insanity & over-reach. Finally! Let's hope our legislature and governor continue to have the best interest of ALL residents in mind in the future. Let's re-elect those who are willing to put their jobs on the line for doing the right thing. Let's send a strong message to the lefties out there that we've had enough, they've pushed us far enough, and now we are pushing back!