What to do
Published August 12, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, August 11, 2014.
August 12, 2014 at 11:48 am
Norm Kelly says:
Why is it OUR responsibility to take care of these kids? And they are not all kids coming across the border!
What can the US do to help the native countries of these illegal aliens make life better for them there? Instead of us keeping these illegal aliens and trying to take care of them with our already stressed, overwhelmed, bankrupt social programs, how bout we send them back. When they are back, along with their friends & relatives, they can show these countries how FREEDOM works! They can show how having the FREE ability to start a business, own a home/property, earn their own money, is the way to a safe and prosperous life. We need to stop sending money to foreign dictators, stop having our own dictator support foreign dictators, and help foreign CITIZENS learn & practice freedom.
Yes, these kids tug at my heart strings. But I also know for a fact that allowing illegals to cross into our country and take advantage of our kindness, generosity, and social welfare programs is NOT the way to solve the problem. We will be bankrupt trying to take care of the world. We already are going bankrupt trying to take care of the world, as well as taking care of our own CITIZENS! The schemes of the current occupier deem that it is necessary to overwhelm our social give-away programs so that they become bankrupt and the 'transformation' of our nation will be forced upon us. The only way to implement HIS idea of a truly fully socialized nation is to overwhelm the system to such an extent that people will BEG the central planners to implement a socialist 'solution' where the central planners take over control of EVERYTHING! Except, the dabbles of socialism that we already have implemented PROVE beyond ANY doubt that socialism has it's own defeat built in. The central planners know this but they hope that YOU don't realize it. Overwhelming the system is part of the plan.
Only a free people, who make logical decisions, based on self-preservation, will be able to survive this onslaught of socialism. Only freedom has demonstrated that it allows ALL people to become whatever WE want to become. The dictators where these illegals are coming from are more than happy to get rid of dissidents and allow us to care for them.
Mickey & Minnie may have had an interesting lunch discussion. But their feelings will deceive them if they are allowed to override their thought processes. Logic will win the day!