We don't hear you Raleigh

Published June 27, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, June 26, 2014.

It’s a rite of summer. The House, the Senate and the Governor can’t agree on a budget. They tell themselves that millions of North Carolinians are in suspense, following the latest twist in the budget deliberations like they’re binge-watching Netflix.


This year, Governor McCrory and Speaker Tillis decide a bold stroke is needed to galvanize public opinion. They arrange a huge photo op at the Mansion with educators behind and beside them. They unsheathe their sharp sword to cut this Bergian knot: a “split budget.”




Earth to Raleigh: We don’t care. We’re not paying attention. We rarely pay much attention to you, and we’re paying even less now.


It’s summer. The sun is hot, and the days are long. The beach, the lake and the mountains beckon. Next Friday is the 4th, a long weekend. So let’s start now! Pack up the sunscreen, fire up the grill, pop open a cold one.


You guys – and it’s nearly all guys – will work it out. Somehow, sometime. The reporters and lobbyists are consumed with how long you’ll be here and how you’ll work it out. We’re not.


We’ll get back in a while. We’ll see what you did. And we won’t like it.


In the meantime, don’t kid yourselves that we’re paying attention. We’ve already made up our minds – those of us who plan to vote in November. We know two big things: One, you’re hurting the schools and teachers. Two, you want to frack our water full of dangerous chemicals.


That’s all we need to know. See you in November.


June 27, 2014 at 3:24 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Yup, some of us have made up our minds on how to vote in November.

I'll vote for someone who wants to cut taxes EVERY TIME. I'll vote against tax and spend candidates EVERY TIME.

I'll vote for someone who wants to give parents choice in which school their kids go to for an education. I'll vote against anyone who believes the only answer comes from government run schools. I'll vote against anyone who says that parents should NOT be given the choice of their kids school.

I'll vote for someone who understands offering 'economic incentives' to lure business here is wrong. I'll vote for someone who says that they want a level playing field for ALL businesses. Not the false kind of level playing field supported by libs & demons. But a true, honest-to-goodness level playing field where EVERY business in the state, current and future, must follow the same regulations and abide by the same tax laws. I will vote against any pol who says that taking money from one group or business because some group or business that has never been here deserves a reward. I'll vote against every scheme that endorses taking money from anyone to give to anyone else, especially when that someone else hasn't earned it.

I will vote for any pol who understands that allowing illegal aliens free reign, with government supplied benefits, is WRONG. I'll vote for any pol who says that amnesty is actually BAD for American citizens. I'll vote against any pol who says that illegal aliens MUST be covered by Obamascare. I'll vote against any pol who believes that introducing unskilled, illegal aliens to the workforce will increase average incomes for American citizens. I'll vote against any pol who believes amnesty for millions of people who CHOSE to break our laws was the right first move.

I'll vote for any pol who believes socialism has it's own failure built in. I'll vote against any pol who believes socialism is good and just hasn't been allowed to sufficiently flourish in our country to prove how good it really is. I'll vote against any pol who believes that $17TRILLION in debt is too low. I'll vote against any pol who believes that restricting energy exploration in our country, while at the same time paying a foreign country to explore & export to us. Every time.

What this means is that since lib/demon/socialist pols are on the wrong side of EVERY issue, do NOT have the best future for our country/state in mind, they do NOT deserve votes from freedom loving, fair-minded individuals. There's not a single demon pol running for ANY office in or from our state that deserves a vote. This DOES mean that even K needs to be removed from office. She is for expanding socialized medicine. She is FOR continued deficit spending. She is FOR amnesty. She is FOR providing benefits to illegal aliens. Wrong side of EVERY issue.

Are Republicans the answer for our state and country? Not necessarily. TEA people and libertarians are closer to the best solution. But they don't have enough backing yet, so Republicans are the alternative choice. Virtually any Republican over ANY demon pol! Some of us actually are paying attention, even though it's summer. Some of us are aware, even though it's summer, that the current occupier in Washington continues to lie to us. Some of us are aware that libs/demons and their allies in the media are telling lies about the coal ash ponds, where they came from, who allowed them to exist, and who ignored their leaking for DECADES! Some of us know that we are being lied to and this doesn't discourage us. It encourages us to stay informed, find our information from reliable sources, and be active. Regardless of which Republican is running against a demon pol, it behooves all of us to educate ourselves on the FACTS, and resoundingly support the Republican/conservative candidate; forcefully work AGAINST the socialist candidate. I mean lib. I mean democrat. (redundancy alert!)