Warning: Rumors ahead

Published December 9, 2016

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, December 8, 2016.

On Election Day Republicans lost their majority on the State Supreme Court, but this morning the newspaper reported – when the General Assembly returns to town next week – Republicans may try to ‘pack’ the State Supreme Court by adding two new Republican Justices.

Since the election there’s been a story – more of a rumor than a story – floating around the backrooms in Raleigh about court packing. The story may not be true. And I hesitate to repeat it. But it’s a good story so here goes: About two weeks after the election Governor McCrory sent an aide over to the General Assembly who asked the powers that be, Are you thinking of packing the Supreme Court? 

It’s on the table, was the non-committal reply.

The Governor wants you to know, the aide said, He won’t appoint the two new justices. He’ll leave the appointments for Roy Cooper to fill.

As I said, it’s just a rumor. It may be just one more political fiction. But on the other hand, if it did happen, Pat McCrory deserves credit.
