Verbs for Hillary
Published September 30, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, September 29, 2016
Quick. Somebody get Hillary Clinton a verb. A whole bunch of them.
She needs them to reach swing voters – millennials and Trump-averse Independents and Republicans. They don’t know what she wants to DO as President, so they suspect she just wants to BE President.
Verbs connote action, movement and progress. No verbs = status quo. Too many swing voters see Clinton as the status quo candidate and Trump as the change (albeit risky) candidate.
Her slogan, “Stronger Together,” is an adjective and an adverb. Her old slogan, “I’m With Her,” uses the weakest of all verbs. And even swallows that.
For all his raving incoherence Monday night, Trump’s campaign has verbs. Lots of verbs. Strong verbs. Make America Great Again. Build a Wall. Destroy ISIS. Bring Our Jobs Back. Deport Illegals. Ban Muslims. Stop and Frisk. Lock Her Up.
He hasn’t a clue how to do any of them, but he puts the hay down where the goats can eat it.
Clinton has a disease that often afflicts Democrats. They can drown you in 40-page policy papers. But they can’t give you a four-word sentence.
Governor Hunt was good at it. “Raise teacher pay to the national average.” “Give every child a smart start.” (Yes, long sentences work, if they have strong verbs and specific goals.)
Roy Cooper’s website has a good one: Build a Better North Carolina. Even better: Repeal HB2. One sign says: Flush McCrory.
McCrory’s is weak: Carolina Comeback. Or now, maybe, it’s Don’t Blame Me.
Maybe Hillary should try Build A Better America. Or, Make America Great – for Every American. Or, Protect Women’s Health Care. Fight Bigotry and Stop Discrimination. Reduce Student Debt. Save Social Security and Medicare. Make America Safe and Strong. Attack Global Warming.
(Not, Tax the Rich. But maybe, Tax Trump.)
Or, Keep That Madman Out of the Oval Office. Put a Safe Hand on the Nuclear Button.
A few good verbs will serve Clinton well in the next debate. Then she’ll be ready when Trump brings up Bill and Monica:
“You’re one to talk, Donald. I’m still with the spouse I married 40 years ago. So you can attack my family and me all you want. I want to attack the real problems Americans and American families face.”
Give him hell. And give voters some good verbs.
October 18, 2016 at 8:17 pm
Norm Kelly says:
'they suspect she just wants to BE President.' Cuz it is what she wants. Hildaliar believes she MUST be ANOINTED without delay and can't believe ANYONE has the audacity to stand in her way. She wants the POWER. It's not a 'suspect' this is what she wants, it's that we know she DEMANDS this! Everything about her screams POWER, CONTROL, DISDAIN for common folks, hatred for anyone who might disagree with her. Not dislike. Downright HATRED for those of us who DARE disagree.
'Verbs connote action, movement and progress. No verbs = status quo. Too many swing voters see Clinton as the status quo candidate'. The author actually means 'thinking people, people who walk through life with their eyes open and their minds engaged KNOW that Hildaliar stands for little more than status quo'. Hildaliar desires to change very little of the schemes and failures the current occupier has put in place. Hildaliar wants to expand socialized medicine, make it full-blown Single Payer and remove, totally, completely, any aspect of private sector involvement in health care or health insurance. Otherwise, she DEFINES status quo. More central planner control of daily life. More central planner taxing. More central planner spending. More challenges to the U S Constitution, in order to take power/control away from citizens in order to give it to Central Planners. If you need an example of what this means, refer to 1960-1980 Russia/Soviet Union.
'Reduce Student Debt.' Remember how she attacked the Bern for making this part of his campaign? Now she wants to run with it? But, then, we must all remember that Higher Education is RUN by libs! Libs CONTROL higher education. Who controls the cost of Higher Education? Libs! How can we expect the same group who made Higher Education a bankrupting-level endeavor (for students & families) to FIX the problem? Actually, how can we expect ANY SCHEME of left-wing zealots to actually solve any problem? Name one problem ANY lib scheme has made better or fixed? Give up? Of course you do, cuz there are no examples to provide. VA Health? Nope! Obamacancer? Nope! School lunch? Nope!
Yup, Donald can bring up Bill & the entire Clinton family. Cuz what the Clinton's have done is FACT. What's been thrown at Trump so far are ACCUSATIONS! Which is more meaningful? FACTS or accusations? Well, for libs, neither is important. For the Clinton crime syndicate, the facts are so damning that not a single lib wants to acknowledge them. So, instead of discussing the failures of Hildaliar, instead of discussing the lies of Hildaliar, instead of discussing how she has tried to destroy women's lives, libs of all stripes, especially her allies in the media, and those who bury their heads in the sand, these people concentrate on minutia that doesn't matter. The facts are against the crime syndicate. Donald isn't the best to run. But Hildaliar is ONE OF THE WORST. Yet, libs continue to support and encourage her. Lock Her Up. Just check out the Raleigh N&D and you will find blind allegiance to the party. Doesn't matter how unqualified the candidate is, doesn't matter how bad their schemes are for the majority, the N&D and libs like them, blindly endorse and support these candidates for the sole reason that they have the vaunted 'D' after their names. Totally unqualified? Doesn't matter; the D is there. Should be in jail? Doesn't matter; the D is there. Scheme to tax us into prosperity? Doesn't matter; the D is there.
Ignorance appears to be bliss. At least for arch left-wing zealots!