UNC-CH students demands shows lack of real world understanding
Published November 28, 2015
by Matt Caulder, NC Capitol Connection, November 24, 2015.
Last week a number of UNC-Chapel Hill students stormed a town hall meeting with a list of 50 demands, ranging from demands for racially motivated hiring practices to the abolition of the law enforcement and penal system in the state.
The demands were included in a manifesto entitled “A Collective Response to Anti-Blackness” written to the UNC-CH administration, Board of Trustees, Board of Governors, the North Carolina General Assembly and other governing bodies.
While a book could be written by taking the time to break down why each of the 50 ideas are wholly without merit, this article will focus on a few especially egregious examples.
UNC Chancellor Carol Folt may feel she needs to say that “many things they raised are things we’re working on all the time and will continue to work on” and that the demands gave her some “good ideas and direction” but personally I think these demands aren’t worth the 14 pages I printed them on.
I’m going to leave the forced racial education, preferential hiring of minorities based on skin-color and abolition of using standardized tests for admission by the wayside in favor of some of the safety and fiscal issues involved in the demands.
Calls for end to policing and prisons
In the opening paragraphs the student protestors declare their desire for free tuition and campus access to everyone, while also calling for the abolition of police and prisons, because of their discrimination against minorities.
According to the manifesto prisons perpetrate the “practice of holding, Black, brown, undocumented, poor, queer, trans folks and people with mental illness in captivity” and should be abolished in favor of restorative justice.
If you are unfamiliar with restorative justice it is the idea that the offender makes amends to the offended party in a seemingly arbitrary way as decided by the community and the victim.
But in reality it seems more like mob-rule carrying out their own form of justice.
To achieve this, the students demand that a task force of students and university workers, of their choosing of course, be formed to develop a plan to dismantle the legal institutions.
According to the manifesto, step one is to declare a moratorium on building prisons and jails, then to remove surveillance cameras on campus, while also ending the practice of instituting campus curfews on non-students from being on campus after Midnight.
So once the campus is open to everyone at all times, no matter whom they are, and the surveillance cameras are gone it is time to abolish policing forces in favor of “restorative and transformative justice.”
To do this first the police departments’ funding while be capped and then will come the “complete disarming of the UNC Department of Public Safety and UNC Hospital Police.”
So with that accomplished the students will have an open and free utopia, free from police interference and prisons and jails where anyone is allowed in at any time.
Hmmm, an area where there are no police, there is no security and is open to anyone to stay and sleep wherever they want.
It sounds a lot like Detroit, or maybe the movie “The Purge.”
Free classes for anyone in NC who wants them
So now that the students have turned UNC into Little Detroit they also demand tuition and fees free education for anyone that wants it.
No, seriously.
They say it right here, “We demand that University cafeterias, gym memberships, libraries, and class registration be free to all residents of North Carolina regardless of admittance into the institution.”
And residents of North Carolina of course include illegal aliens as well.
So the question is, where will all of this money come from to provide all of these wonderful free things?
Well let me just go check my money tree, if that fails I still have a wishing well and I think it is supposed to rain later this week too so I have that going for me if I can find the end of that pesky rainbow.
UNC policies cultivate protestors’ views
When I started this column I felt bad for the UNC officials who have to put up with this nonsense, but upon further reflection, not so much.
For years and years UNC has been welcoming students to their campus and indoctrinating them in these ideas of free money and forced fairness without teaching them that different things inherently have different values.
A person hired to clean the physics classroom does not deserve the same salary as the person teaching the physics class but under the protesters’ demands they would.
The gap in logic shows serious failings in the UNC way, but maybe the university is genuinely thrilled at the demands put forward by the protestors.
But one day those students will be out in the real world, whether it be with a degree or without or with debt or without, and they will be forced to learn the tough lessons the real world is so quick to teach.
Nothing comes free.
November 28, 2015 at 10:08 am
Norm Kelly says:
In other words, all the 'crap' being taught throughout the education establishment, promoted by the leaders of the government education monopoly, are coming home to roost. Uneducated infants are demanding of the socialist leaders that the implementation of their socialist utopia finally come to fruition.
Who exactly is surprised that socialism is desired by the kids who have been taught socialism their entire indoctrination life? When kids are taught the 'benefits' of socialism their entire youth, should we be surprised that when they get to 'higher education' levels they show such a lack of actual education? To say that these children lack any real world knowledge is simply laughable! And to refer to them as anything but children would be an incorrect description.
And since the socialist indoctrination has worked so well, kids are now coming out of the government education monopoly with the thought that global climate change is man-made and we MUST take corrective action immediately. Again, no proof of climate change being man-made just like there's no proof that socialism can work, but our kids are being indoctrinated anyway.
How long will adults put up with education establishment 'crap' before we force the socialists back into the minority, into the shadows, and out of education? This is definitely one major force for pushing a viable voucher program! So kids can get educated again instead of indoctrinated.