
Published March 22, 2016

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, March 21, 2016.

Good ol’ Harry Reid gave the Republican Party hell last week for creating its Trump Frankenstein monster. Reid just didn’t go far enough.

In a Washington speech, “Give ‘em hell” Harry said GOP leaders who now denounce Trump are to blame for Trump:

“The Republican establishment acts bewildered. But they should not be bewildered. As much as they may try to distance themselves from Trump now, Republican leaders are responsible for his rise. Republican leaders created the drought conditions; Donald Trump has simply struck the match.”

Reid traced Trump’s rise to Republicans’ determination to block anything and everything President Obama proposed, including health-care reform, financial reforms, the post-2008-crash stimulus, middle-class tax cuts and more.

“Many of these ideas originated with Republicans and nearly all of them had previously enjoyed bipartisan support. Yet one by one, they were rejected by Republican leaders who repeated the big lie: ‘If Obama supports it, it won’t help you.’ … On issue after issue, Republican leaders faced a choice: Help their constituents put food on the table, literally, or stick it to President Obama. Time after time, Republicans chose to stick it to President Obama instead of helping their own constituents.”

“Republicans spent eight years torching the institutions Americans once relied on to help them face the challenges of their daily lives. Instead of engaging on policy, Republicans simply told Americans there was nothing to be done. So what thrived in the wasteland Republican leaders created? Resentment, hatred — which Republican leaders were all too eager to embrace and too cowardly to renounce.”

Reid is right. But he could have gone farther. Like 50 years back.

Trump is the logical consequence of the Republican Party’s course since 1964, when it nominated Barry Goldwater, renounced its century-long commitment to civil rights and began attacking government as the source of all evil.

Trump voters figure government is a joke, so why not vote for a joke?

It’s only a matter of time before Republican leaders start convincing themselves that (1) maybe Trump can beat Hillary, so (2) maybe Trump’s not so bad after all.

March 22, 2016 at 8:35 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Gary's posts are always good for a laugh. Wouldn't line my bird cage with it though, don't want to corrupt the bird!

Imagine, using the ever-senile Harry as an example of giving anyone hell! That lunatic lost his mind years ago. It seems obvious the same group that voted for senile Harry are also now voting for Billary. Not a functional brain cell amongst them!

It's not just Republicans that created Trump. It's also Demons who are to blame. Demons earned the title. They have routinely legislated against the will of the American people. They have repeatedly lied, on purpose, to the American people. They have repeatedly lied to the American people WHILE knowing the truth was available. Trump exists because ALL central planners in Washington can NOT be trusted. It starts with the demon party. Remember 'it will be a fine not a tax' if you don't buy Obamacancer? Turns out they knew it was a tax and lobbied SCOTUS to insure it WAS a tax! Remember 'save the average family $2500 per year'? That was a lie, is a lie, and every lib who spoke it knew it was a lie when they spewed it forth. Remember 'you have to read it to know what's in it'? Another stupid lib comment from another stoopid lib! Oh, and don't forget 'i did not have sex with that woman!'. The list of lib lies is endless. Which brings us back to American citizens being sick and tired of politicians telling lies, getting caught telling lies, and ignoring the fact that they lied to our faces!

Yes, Republicans helped create Trump because they DIDN'T STOP OBAMA and the socialist pols in Washington who support him. NC voters turned K out because they didn't want a yes-man who simply supported central planner take-over of America. A majority of Republicans were put in power with the specific demand from voters that they WORK TO STOP the current occupier. They didn't. Therefore, Trump. An outsider who claims to want to take on central planners.

The last thing our nation needs is MORE central planners & central planning. Where has central planning actually helped the average person? Where in the world is it more likely that someone can move from poverty to riches on their own? Name that socialist or fascist state where this is possible, and I'll take back everything bad I've typed about libs. Since I know it's not possible for any lib to do this, I'm not worried about having to find a way to un-type. Free-enterprise is the best, most successful economic system known to man. No doubt about it.

Unless, of course, you are a lib or severely under-educated. Or simply lazy. Too many lib voters are all of the above.