Trump up
Published July 11, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, July 10, 2015.
How is this possible? How can this poll be right? How can Donald Trump be leading the Republican presidential race in North Carolina with 16 percent of the vote?
Why isn’t his lead much bigger?
How can Republicans not support the self-described “most successful person ever to run for President”? A “really rich man.” A man who will build a fence on the Mexican border, make Mexico pay for it and still get Hispanic votes. A man who has a “foolproof” plan to defeat ISIS “very quickly,” though he told Fox News “I’m not gonna tell you what it is tonight.” A man who will have a “great relationship” with Vladimir Putin. A man who will take care of China: “Oh, would China be in trouble. The poor Chinese.” A man who promises “there’s nobody bigger and better at the military than I am.” A man who gets things done “better than anybody.” And a man who will be “the greatest jobs President God ever created.”
He should be at 50 percent, at least.
July 11, 2015 at 1:41 pm
Norm Kelly says:
So, now that you have poked your fun at Donald, ask yourself the same question about your 'front runner'. The obvious next president. Billary.
With her success, why isn't she already the nominee? With her obviously successful economic plan, why isn't she already the nominee? If her successful economic plan, which she has NOT revealed, is so well understood why hasn't she been anointed by party leaders? About the only thing Billary will tell us about her economic plan is the plank that's standard fare in EVERY socialist scheme. She plans to tax the rich. She plans to give more to 'the poor'. And every initiative will be preceded by the words 'it's for the children'.
Other than her being part of 'Obama lied, men died', what else does Billary have to show for running? What else, besides deleting public record emails, has Billary done to be worthy of consideration? What success has Billary had, what has she said, that ANYONE considers voting for her? Why isn't the queen already 'the one'?
When Billary speaks, and says nothing, how does Gary respond? Or, like most libs, does Gary simply ignore the nothing that she spews. And when she spews her socialist schemes, does Gary or any other lib call her on it? When Billary implies that she will continue, and expand, the socialist policies of the current occupier, does Gary or any lib ask why she would continue failed policies? When Billary says that she believes Christianity is a threat to America, do Gary & other libs agree with her or wonder about her electability? When Billary changed her mind on gay marriage, did any lib question her?
When you remove the plank from your own eye, I'll worry about the spec in mine. In case you libs don't get that, it's a reference to MY religion. Which appears to be in opposition to YOUR religion: big government/socialism. This reference appears in The Holy Bible, otherwise known as God's Word. Which, contrary to lib opinion, is not a living breathing document. Like the US Constitution is not a living breathing document, open to interpretation by libs.
(and for anyone who questions my comment about her saying my religion is a threat to America: it does not matter if she has or has not said this. i'm taking my lead from lib talking points memos. if someone hasn't said what you want to penalize them for, simply make up that they did say it, get it printed often, make sure it appears in social media, get 'news' people to repeat it, and suddenly it becomes fact. so, same thing here. when billary doesn't say what she means, i'll fill in her blanks for her. should make taunting libs much more fun! when being factual doesn't work with libs, it's time to throw their own methods at them and watch them squirm. like we need to keep throwing their racist history at them. as well as repeating often about their actual war on women, paying them less than they pay men, but accusing republicans of doing it. we can start ignoring facts, claim 'its for the children', and make up stuff about them just like they do about republicans, whites, Christians. libs will be beside themselves with rage! it'll drive their little feelings crazy.)