Trump chemotherapy

Published February 6, 2025

By Frank Hill

Has it really only been 17 days since President Donald Trump was sworn back in office?

More positive things have been done (extraditing dangerous criminals, bringing American hostages home alive, ending wasteful spending) in a fortnight than in the entire somnambulant Biden administration.

Even Trump’s critics have come around. We were at a wedding celebration in Charlotte recently, and a woman we have known for years grabbed my wrist in an earnest manner and proceeded to tell me her thoughts on Trump.

“I don’t like the way he talks to people,” she said. “I don’t like his mean tweets. I did not vote for him in 2016, and I didn’t vote for him in 2020 either. I was led to believe Joe Biden was going to be a moderating influence in the White House and bring all sides today as a healer, not a divider.

“And boy, oh boy, was I ever wrong!

“I voted enthusiastically for President Trump this time around, and you want to know why?

“Trump is like chemotherapy! Chemotherapy is harsh, but if you have cancer, you have to kill it, and the only way to kill it is with chemotherapy! Biden and progressive liberal Democratic policies were a cancer on America, and Trump was elected to get rid of it all!”

Anyone who has had chemotherapy or seen a loved one go through chemo treatment knows it is unpleasant at best and horrible at worst. It is no joking matter.

However, the analogy holds true. The caustic nature of chemo treatment kills off many cells, but as long as it destroys the growing cancer cells in the body so the patient can survive, it is deemed to be worthwhile.

Trump is using his executive power like chemotherapy to unwind as much of the Biden/progressive socialist Democrat agenda as he can, much of it instituted by executive action in the first place.

That is all understandable and supportable. The ultimate wish would be for Trump to sign one massive final executive order to end all executive orders and declare: “I hereby rescind every one of the remaining 50,000 numbered and unnumbered executive orders signed by every previous president going back to George Washington and render them null and void. If Congress wants to reinstate any of them for any purpose, they can pass legislation doing so, and I will consider signing it into law as the Constitution intended”.

Then he can sheathe his executive pen, and the Golden Age of Legislative Supremacy in America can take root once again and flourish going forward.

America should never want, need or encourage any president to take so many important matters into his own hands ever again when Congress is the appropriate channel to make laws in this country.

There has not been a Republican president or governor with the brains and guts to do what Trump is doing since Calvin Coolidge in 1925. Coolidge, a flinty parsimonious New Englander if there ever was one, left the federal government 30% smaller in terms of cost and headcount in 1929 when he retired.

No so-called “conservative” Republican president since then ― Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 or 43 or Trump in his first term ― had the kahunas to shrink the size of government. It grew under each one.

Trump has offered 2 million federal employees the chance to resign with full pay until September if they don’t want to return to the office. If 10% of the federal workforce takes this action, it could save $100 billion.

If 100,000 employees living in Northern Virginia accept the offer and move to The Villages in Florida, Virginia may turn red in 2028.

Political appointees are not indispensable to the execution of government. They are there to push forward the political ideals and agenda of the person and party who got them there, not to be a true impartial public servant.

It is not personal. It’s just politics.

Trump and his team are shutting down federal agencies where left-wing idealogues have infected spending with their overt radical progressive socialist political agendas. They treat your taxpayer funds like their political piggy bank.

God only knows what magnitude of wasteful spending the Department of Government Efficiency will find when they unleash AI on every federal agency budget.

Think of Trump as being a surgeon trained to remove the malignant tumors that have been growing for decades.

Trump is the chemotherapy needed to stop the cancer from spreading further or returning. Breast cancer patients have a 91% chance of surviving five years after treatment.

America needs the Trump chemotherapy to guarantee our survival 100% as the last great bastion of freedom, free speech and free enterprise in the world.