Too much politics? Actually, too little

Published October 21, 2013

By George Will - Washington Post, Posted: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013

Much is wrong with Washington these days, including much of what is said about what is wrong. Many Americans say there is “too much politics” in Washington. Actually, there is too little. Barack Obama deplores “politics as usual” here. But recently Washington has been tumultuous because politics, as the Framers understood it, has disintegrated. Obama has been complicit in this collapse.

His self-regard, the scale of which has a certain grandeur, reinforces progressivism’s celebration of untrammeled executive power and its consequent disparagement of legislative bargaining. This is why Obamacare passed without a single vote from the opposition party – and why it remains, as analyst Michael Barone says, the most divisive legislation since the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Obama and his tea-party adversaries have something important in common – disdain for the practice of politics within the Framers’ institutional architecture. He and they should read Jonathan Rauch’s “Rescuing Compromise” in National Affairs quarterly.

“Politicians,” Rauch notes, “like other people, compromise because they have to, not because they want to.” So Madison created a constitutional regime that by its structure created competing power centers and deprived any of them of the power to impose its will on the others.

The Madisonian system, Rauch says, is both intricate and dynamic: “Absent a rare (and usually unsustainable) supermajority, there is simply not much that any single faction, interest, or branch of government can do. Effective action in this system is nothing but a series of forced compromises.”

Rep. Tom Cole, who represents southwest Oklahoma and has a Ph.D. in British history and studied at the University of London, says some of his colleagues in the House of Representatives “think they are in the House of Commons.” That is, they have not accepted the fact that, in the Madisonian system, legislative and executive powers are separated.

By this separation, Rauch writes, Madison built “constant adjustment into the system.” His Constitution is a “dynamic political mechanism” under which no faction ever prevails with finality.

“Forcing actors to bargain and collaborate slows precipitous change while constantly making negotiators adjust their positions. … The requirement to bargain and find allies provides new ideas and entrants with paths into politics and ways to shake up the status quo. But that same requirement prevents upheaval by ensuring that no one actor can seize control, at least not for long.”

An impatience with patience

Obama, who aspires to be Washington’s single actor, has said of his signature achievement: “I would have loved nothing better than to simply come up with some very elegant, academically approved approach to health care, and didn’t have any kinds of legislative fingerprints on it, and just go ahead and have that passed. But that’s not how it works in our democracy. Unfortunately, what we end up having to do is to do a lot of negotiations with a lot of different people.”

Obama wanted something simple rather than a product of Madisonian complexity. He wanted something elegantly unblemished by “any” messy legislative involvement.

He and some of his tea-party adversaries share an impatience with Madisonian politics, which requires patience. The tea party’s reaffirmation of Madison’s limited government project is valuable. Now, it must decide if it wants to practice politics.

Rauch hopes there will be “an intellectual effort to advance a principled, positive, patriotic case for compromise, especially on the right.” He warns that Republicans, by their obsessions with ideological purity and fiscal policy, “have veered in the direction of becoming a conservative interest group, when what the country needs is a conservative party.”

A party is concerned with power, understood as the ability to achieve intended effects. A bull in a china shop has consequences, but not power, because the bull cannot translate intelligent intentions into achievements. The tea party has a choice to make. It can patiently try to become the beating heart of a durable party, which understands this: In Madisonian politics, all progress is incremental. Or it can be a raging bull, and soon a mere memory, remembered only for having broken a lot of china.

George Will is a columnist for the Washington Post Writers Group. Email:


October 21, 2013 at 11:02 am
Norm Kelly says:

Compromise. An interesting word. From the editorial it would appear that the founding fathers' intent was that everything in the central government would happen by compromise among the 2 branches with the 3rd branch determining Constitutionality of what the other 2 branches have done.

First, the judicial branch. This branch has proven that it is not willing to do it's job as the founders intended. In the recent past there have been justices who have cited foreign law in order to justify their ruling. In the case of Obamacare, a majority of the justices ruled that Obamacare was illegal according to the Constitution. However, somewhere along the line Mr. Obama threatened the chief justice. It appears the chief justice took the threat seriously; I'm not aware there has been an explanation provided or one asked for. But it would seem that because of the threat, the chief justice changed the wording of the law and decided the rewording was Constitutional. This is completely different from what liberals always say: SCOTUS approved it so it's the law of the land.

Second, the legislative branch. In Congress 'compromise' has come to mean Democrats get their way, Republicans give up their stand either completely or to such a great extent that it's meaningless. Take the most recent case where the Dems forced a government shutdown because they weren't getting everything they demanded. What was the result? Republicans folded, Democrats got more than they originally asked for. Not only was the debt ceiling raised, the debt immediately exceeded $17TRILLION, but extra spending that should never have happened was put into the CR. More money was spent in the CR than Dems originally asked for, more money was spent in the CR than Republicans had originally opposed, and not a single change to the government take-over of the medical industry. So who compromised? Once again, there was NO COMPROMISE. What happened is the Republicans gave up EVERYTHING, the Dems got MORE THAN everything they asked for. How does compromise work again? Why should I be happy that Republicans control the House if they won't stand up for the law, won't stand up for the Constitution, won't stand up for what's right for the people AND the country? What it comes down to is that I'm just as well off letting Democrats control ALL of Washington, and not bothering to try to decide which Republican is the better choice while in the voting booth. Until the Republicans realize that conservatism wins, conservative candidates win, conservative ideas win, conservative ideas will stabilize our country, then Republicans will continue to play a minor role in the central planning arena. And too often dissatisfaction with the party at the central planner level translates into dissatisfaction at the state level. Hopefully in NC, the change to remove party-line voting will help reduce this effect. It's time people in the voting booth were forced to actually make a choice rather than taking the quick & easy way out.