Time to cut losses and repeal HB2

Published May 7, 2016

Editorial by Winston-Salem Journal, May 6, 2016.

The notice Wednesday from the U.S. Justice Department that House Bill 2 violates civil-rights laws, putting North Carolina at risk of being sued and losing hundreds of millions in federal dollars, should finally tip the scale for Gov. Pat McCrory and the legislature to see the wisdom in rescinding the law, and quickly.

Recognizing that most readers know all the details of HB2 now and that some readers are probably sick of hearing about it, we won’t rehash the details nor the growing list of companies and organizations that have boycotted us because HB2 discriminates against LGBT people.

We won’t beat up today on our leaders who support HB2. We’ll just appeal to the better angels of their nature, to borrow Lincoln’s phrase, and ask them to please rescind the law instead of getting into a long legal fight that will itself cost money and result in more bad publicity and lost business.

Just for the sake of business and for all the good people of this state, please rescind HB2. We all need to put this fight behind us and move forward — together.


May 7, 2016 at 10:25 am
Norm Kelly says:

Just for the sake of common sense, our leaders need to stand against central planners.

Just for the sake of women & children, their safety, our leaders need to stand against central planners.

Just for the sake of states rights, written into the Constitution, our leaders need to stand against central planners.

Just for the sake of what's right, our leaders need to stand against central planners.

Our leaders need to stand against central planner over-reach. Just like our leaders stood against Charlotte's over-reach. Remember if it weren't for Charlotte taking steps they are legally not allowed to take, this would not be an issue. It was the left-wing radicals that made this an issue. Until Charlotte over-stepped their authority, not only was no company whining about discrimination, but central planners weren't threatening our state. The situation was NOT cause for socialists, gays, libs, radicals to start a war, yet they decided to start a war over an issue that did not exist.

Again, for the sake of common sense, something grossly missing in left-wing radicals, our state leaders need to do what's right for the state, for the people, all people, and stand against central planner over-reach.

What's right doesn't change just because some left-wing radical decides society needs to change. When it's right, it's simply right. Protecting women & children is what's right.

Seems to me I remember some pretty radical lefties making statements about 'for the children'. Heck, even state-sponsored gambling, a highly addictive and normally illegal activity, was forced upon us by lefties because it was good 'for the children'. Suddenly, when it comes to allowing cross-dressers and perverts into bathrooms and showers, lefties completely forget about 'the children'? And the rest of us are supposed to ignore ANOTHER contradiction of the left without comment or standing up to their id10tic schemes? I think not. Some of us continue to have the ability to think and rely on common sense. Most of the time those of us who retain these abilities are either conservative or Libertarian! Usually NOT left-wing radical pols!

May 7, 2016 at 10:48 pm
Pat Kelley says:

I hope Norm Kelly continues to warn women, children, AND EVEN MEN about perverts lurking in bathrooms and showers, because I'm getting a little sick having to read about well-known Republican leaders getting arrested for sexual misconduct in public restrooms. In case he has been hiding safely under a rock with other rightwingers, the conservative party names of Larry Craig (Illinois), Bob Allen (Florida), and Jon Hinson (Mississippi) come to mind as Republican leaders arrested for the types of crimes that concern him. Of course the political prince of perversion has to be former Republican US Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert who was recently found guilty of heinous sexual crimes against young boys who trusted him. All of which leads me to ask Mr. Kelly ... how many transgendered folks have YOU heard about that were accused of ANY sexual crimes against others? Face it, sir, this latter group of God's children simply want to pee in private, so get off your high horse because you have little defense here.