Time for Congress to fix college sports
Published May 18, 2014
by Ned Barnett, News and Observer, May 17, 2014.
Whether you agree with how the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has handled the scandal over athletics and academics, it’s hard not to have sympathy for the university’s struggles. Even the most devoted “Anybody But Carolina” fan may not have wanted the painful state and national scrutiny to go on this long and take such a toll on the university’s reputation and morale.
But the saddest part of the situation is this: UNC will eventually extract itself from this ordeal, but it can’t escape the forces that caused it. For what happened at Chapel Hill is part of a national scandal in college sports. Until that is resolved, every school that tries to compete at the top levels of men’s basketball and football will be a part of a system that is by its nature unfair and dishonest.
There have always been these elements in the so-called revenue sports and reformers have been forming commissions and writing books about the corruption and hypocrisy for decades. But over the years has come cable and broadcast TV’s expanded coverage, Nike’s millions of dollars in shoe and uniform contracts, coaches with contracts that crossed the million dollar barrier and just kept going, the arms race in athletics facilities, the NBA’s age-limit rule that created a new class of one-and-done players, the exposure of the long-term effects of football-related concussions, an overuse of learning disability designations and an huge expansion of tutoring programs and to help athletes get in and stay in school. Even Heisman trophy winners had to give the trophy back because of improper benefits while they played or had the honor tainted by claims that they escaped rape charges because of the local worship of football.
Now is the time for a national effort to set the biggest of college sports right by making them truly college sports again. Make them games in which students who want and can achieve a college education compete and graduate with a real education. End the minor-league, semi-pro, coach-as-god arrangements that now dominate the upper levels of basketball and football.
This is going to take more than another round of meetings by the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics or scolding speechs from NCAA President Mark Emmert. This is going to take an act of Congress. It will require that the lawmakers do their jobs and respond to problems that are hurting college athletes and undermining major institutions of higher learning.
Members of Congress are understandably reluctant to get involved. There aren’t many votes in messing with football in Alabama or basketball in North Carolina. No one wants to ruin the party. But the party is ruining itself and the institutions that play host. The idea is to save the college game, not end it. The idea is to find a way to free universities from the entertainment divisions that have come to steer them and compromise them.
To that end, there have been encouraging developments recently. The issues of big time college sports have begun to be discussed Congress.
The first round was brought on by a hearing on a regional National Labor Relations Board Ruling that football players at Northwestern University should be allowed to unionize because, by the measures that matter, they are unpaid school employees. The word “union” naturally drew the interest of House Republicans who condemned the idea as contrary to college sports, mom and apple pie. But at least it drew attention to the issue of the ever more lucrative entertainment complex built on the labor of unpaid players.
Paying college players will cause more problems than it will solve. But there are still problems of compensation to be addressed. Players should be better insured. Their scholarships should be guaranteed for four years. They should be allowed more time off to study and be free to take on demanding course work, including labs, without coaches pressuring them into classes that better fit practice schedules.
It’s encouraging that the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation is taking an interest in these issues. Three members of the committee, Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), wrote to NCAA president Emmert last week questioning the NCAA’s oversight of college sports and what it is doing to stop the exploitation of college athletes. The committee claims jurisdiction over the NCAA because the organization engages in interstate commerce. It will hold a hearing on the well-being of college athletes in the coming weeks, the senators said.
In writing to Emmert, the senators referred to his response to the NLRB decision concerning Northwestern University players’ right to unionize. “In expressing your opinion about the unionization effort, you were quoted as saying the effort is ‘a grossly inappropriate solution to the problems that exist in college athletics,’” the letter reads. “However, if the NCAA were accomplishing its mission of protecting student-athletes from exploitative practices, those efforts would be unnecessary and likely unsuccessful.”
The Senate inquiry is a start. Then it needs to expand to include the list of big college sports’ troubles and the NCAA’s failures.
May 18, 2014 at 8:17 am
Richard Bunce says:
Now that is funny... Congress does not fix anything and will surely make it much worse. The State legislatures can fix this be regulating the State universities to strictly limit participation in athletics to small regional conferences without playoffs and focus athletics on low cost sports which allow for maximum numbers of true student athletes to participate. Let the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, etc pay for their own minor league system (which MLB largely does.)
May 18, 2014 at 11:46 am
Norm Kellly says:
What I know about Ned wouldn't cover the bottom of the world's smallest thimble.
What I know about the N&D is somewhat more. The N&D supports libs and lib ideas without question. The N&D is so far left that everything with them requires federal intervention. Their history of editorials, stated support for candidates and legislation, even proposing legislation shows that anything that increases federal oversight of daily life is a good thing. The N&D strongly supports any notion of central planner control.
Have I read this editorial/post? No. For 2 reasons. First because it involves sports. Completely, totally disinterested. College sports? Even less interested, if that's possible.
Second reason not to read it? Because just reading the headline and opening paragraph convinced me that the idea is that somehow 'there oughta be a law' is the theme. Why is it that the central planners need to get involved in college sports? What part of the central government is already too big, too intrusive, too unmanageable is missed by the N&D and it's editorialists? The feds got involved in baseball drugging. For what purpose? Why would getting a bloated, out-of-control central government would IMPROVE college sports? What part of anything else they are involved in has IMPROVED because of central planner involvement?
Is the VA strong, solid, reliable? How about Obamacancer? How's it going? How about the Department of Justice in recent years? They paid people to protest in FL because of Trayvon; they were not investigating or determining facts. The DOJ was paying blacks to protest based on racism. How about when the NuBlakPantha party was intimidating white voters outside a voting place? Did the DOJ investigate and prosecute? No. The head black man at DOJ didn't want to prosecute 'his people'. It's not that he didn't believe it was voter intimidation, it's that he didn't want to do anything negative against 'his people'. What part of central planner control is going so well, running so efficiently, that the N&D runs editorials suggesting EVEN MORE expansion of the government, more involvement in day-to-day life?
Wasn't it Forrest Gump who famously said 'stupid is as stupid does'? When you beat your head against the wall and get a headache, intelligence tells you to stop beating your head against the wall. When you are an editorialist for the N&D, beating your head against the wall creating a headache indicates that there oughta be a federal law protecting people from walls hard enough to produce headaches. Where's the common sense? Missing because the heads have hit the wall too many times!