Tillis, the GOP and God

Published April 16, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, April 15, 2014.

Thom Tillis is a lot like Mitt Romney, and he learned one big thing from Romney’s 2012 campaign: Don’t get on the same stage and same page with the nuts in his party.


So Tillis may be making the right strategic decision by ducking the WRAL debate. It’s better to look chicken than to be a punching bag or, even worse, look like you’re as far-right as some of your opponents.


Besides, Tillis may be up against two candidates who believe they were called by God to run. Greg Brannon says God spoke to him while he was running on the beach on Good Friday. (He works in mysterious ways!) I don’t want to put words into Mark Harris’ mouth, but he is a minister, so he might feel called from on high too.


It’s hard to debate with people called by God.


This reminds me of a little-known opponent Governor Jim Hunt had long ago. Hunt sat down with the man to discuss the race and, he hoped, persuade him not to make the race. But the man told Hunt that God had told him to run.


Hunt said later that he thought to himself, “Well, God didn’t tell me to run, but if He told you, I can understand you running.”


As it turned out, God might have told the fellow to run, but He didn’t tell him he’d win. He finished far back in the pack.


April 16, 2014 at 10:17 am
Norm Kellly says:

I rarely if ever agree with anything written by Gary. He's a lib. Enough said.

Did Gary write this simply to poke at conservatives? What other reason does he write?

He starts out by referring to people on the right as 'nuts'. Clearly shows where he stands on accepting his opponents. Words like this used by the group of people who claim to welcome all, have a large tent, willing to deal with anyone & everyone. Unless they are nuts, of course.

What does Gary consider being worse than 'nuts'? Being far-right. Does Gary ever object to the socialist bent of his party leaders? Does Gary ever question the continued efforts of his party leadership to spend considerably more than they steal from citizens? Does Gary ever question the socialist agenda of his party leaders? Ideas like socialized medicine, increasing government give-away programs like free cell phones, outrageous increases in food stamps, never-ending unemployment benefits, continuing to refer to stealing more money from 'the wealthy' as 'their fair share'? Many other socialist programs that continue to spend us into deeper & deeper debt? Or is Gary showing us, again, that he is a socialist/leftie first and an American somewhere else on the list?

The second thing Gary takes the opportunity to make fun of is people who believe in God. Why is it that Gary has such a hard time accepting that there are people who believe in God, and actually do hear God speak to them about their future? Is Gary telling us that he is a typical lib, where government is his religion? We know the leaders of the demon party, more in Washington perhaps than NC, call government their religion. They split their allegiance, I guess, between big government, central planner control, and atheism. But they lean more toward worship at the altar of government than they do about anti-Christianity. Libs take every opportunity, and often make up opportunity, to berate, belittle those of us of faith in other than government. As long as libs get to poke a stick in the eye of Christians, they are happy. Would I vote against someone simply because they believe they were called by God to step up and try to right this ship that the libs have sent in the wrong direction? Nope. Would I vote against a candidate simply because they have a D after their name? Of course. Because the D no longer stands for someone who believes in Democracy. The D now stands for socialist. Because if you run for office with a D by your name and you are not a socialist, you get no support from demon party leadership. Unless you bow at the altar of government, demon party leadership will leave you out to dry.

It's easy to make a decision about this next voting cycle. If Gary is opposed to a candidate, it's clear that this is the right person to represent taxpayers of NC, freedom lovers, anti-big-government, anti-socialists. If the N&D endorses a candidate, it must be because that person has accepted their role in the demon party as a socialist who worships at the same altar. Not a good representative for NC. I'll read the editorial page of the N&D when they make their endorsements so I know who to vote AGAINST. I'll watch Gary's endorsements so I know who is the true socialist and who to work to defeat. If Gary refers to someone as 'nuts' I'll know they stand a good chance of properly representing NC, at the state and/or federal level.

April 16, 2014 at 6:31 pm
Jimmy Rouse says:

Doesn't matter because those present will spend their time attacking Tillis' record. It is pretty easy from the cheap seats especially when you have no record yourself.

Count the number of times Tillis' name is mentioned.

April 16, 2014 at 6:33 pm
Bill Worley says:

Wow Norm. Quite a post.