This fight's personal

Published May 5, 2017

by Thomas Mills, Politics NC, May 4, 2017.

Back in 1996, my brother was diagnosed with Wilson’s Disease, a rare genetic disorder that prevents his body from processing copper, an essential element found in foods like greens, whole grains, beans, nuts and shell fish. The symptoms of the disease are similar to lead poisoning. Left untreated, the disease is always fatal, usually from liver failure. Treatment requires lifelong monitoring and drugs to keep copper levels low.

Eight years later, in 2004, I was diagnosed with a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma called Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia. Fortunately, I’m asymptomatic for the time being and may be for a lot longer. Still, I need to monitor the progress of the disease and will likely need treatment at some point or the disease will kill me.

A few years later, as my wife was transitioning between jobs, our health insurance briefly lapsed. She discovered she was pregnant during that period and her pregnancy was not covered. A somewhat complicated birth cost us more than $20,000.

So, when Republicans talk about allowing insurance companies to deny people coverage because of pre-existing conditions, I take it personally, especially when they blame problems on lifestyle. Today, the US House will vote to do just that. If the Senate concurs, people will die because of their decision. And that’s not speculation, that’s a fact.

The bill that the GOP will pass today has not been properly vetted or debated. The party that complained that nine months of debate in 2009 to pass Obamacare was too little, will pass a bill that hasn’t even been scored by the Congressional Budget Office. They don’t even know how much it will cost. Today’s vote is an exercise in putting politics over policy. The GOP wants to pass a repeal bill regardless of its merits.

The bill that passes today is opposed by the AARP, the American Medical Association, and virtually every group that actually provides health care to Americans. In addition, almost all patient advocacy groups oppose it, too, including the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association,  and American Lung Association. In contrast, the House Freedom Caucus supports it. Whose side do you think Republicans are on?

To make matters worse, Congress exempted its members from losing their coverage due to pre-existing conditions. They and their families will be covered regardless. This bill is good for sitting members of Congress and insurance companies. It’s bad for the people who need health care coverage the most.

Republicans could fix Obamacare by stabilizing the individual insurance market, pressuring states to expand Medicaid, encouraging more young people to sign up and focusing more on reducing the cost of health care. That’s what providers, advocates and even insurance companies want. Instead, the GOP is listening to the House Freedom Caucus and the Tea Party.

This bill that will hurt millions of Americans and has little support outside of the ideologues driving the GOP agenda and the confused guy in the White House. The only consolation is that it may well cost Republicans their majority in Congress. As one conservative on twitter wrote: “I get sacrificing your majority for a major policy win (8 yrs out of power in the House for ObamaCare is a good trade). But this mish-mash?” That’s small comfort given the pain too many people will suffer.

May 5, 2017 at 10:13 am
Richard L Bunce says:

Nonsense, this legislation only passed the House and no State has changed any preexisting conditions regulations for the healthcare insurers in their States.

Current ACA does not have community ratings for age or smoking. Didn't here you complaining about that. Your State might decide to end those as well under this proposed legislation... or add drinking, drug use, risky behaviors such as unprotected sex with high risk partners as shown by medical history, etc to the age and smoking exemptions. A long way from a State adding genetic diseases.

Since you raised the issue though... which of your neighbors is supposed to pay for your families healthcare expenses instead of paying for their own expenses which may be as or more important to them as yours is to you?

When you have spent the last dime of your wealth/income responsibly then let's talk... don't take the last dime of wealth/income of someone else who has spent theirs responsibly.

Healthcare is not a right as long as it must be provided by another person using their time and resources without the compensation they demand.

Using the coercive power of government to confiscate the wealth/income of your neighbors is neither charity or charitable.

You're just the worst kind of political hack.... and that is all this article is... a political polemic screed.

May 5, 2017 at 10:58 am
Richard Eason says:

No offense intended but I don't believe we had a requirement of pre-existing conditions back then either and you and your brother obviously received medical care. Also your lack of personal responsibility by not obtaining continuous coverage when your wife left her job was your mistake. You had the option as you would today to obtain continuous coverage for her. The Republican bill isn't perfect but it's far superior to Obama Care. Far greater people have been harmed by that awful mess than have been helped.