Think big on education, Jim Hunt says
Published August 17, 2014
by Tricia Vance, Editorial page editor, Wilmington Star-News, August 16, 2014.
The main problem with education policy in North Carolina? Former Gov. Jim Hunt sums it up concisely: "They're asking the wrong question," he says, referring to the current governor and state lawmakers. They view education as a piece of a finite government pie, and their questions run along the lines of, "How do we divide this money?"
But to be a leader in education, to ensure that our students are getting the education they need to compete in tomorrow's economy, a state must do more than divvy up what's already there. "Don't ask how we are going to split up what we have," says the man known as "the education governor," a title he earned during his 16 years in office. "Ask what it is going to take, and then figure out how much you need to make that happen." And then, he added, commit the resources necessary to do it.
That's the difference between vision and seeing only what's right in front of one's face, between true leadership and political expediency. Visionaries and leaders understand that we can't get where we need to go by standing still, and certainly not by sliding backward. And while government must be held accountable for the money it spends, we cannot take education where it needs to go without making a commitment to invest what it takes to get us there.
The former Democratic governor, who spoke with me Thursday between meetings in Dallas, isn't all talk. Education was central to his administration's agenda, so much so that North Carolina achieved national recognition as a leader in the New South. It also was one issue on which bipartisan support was ample. His immediate predecessor, Republican Jim Holshouser, also was a state leader on education.
By the time Hunt left office (for the second time) in 2001, North Carolina teacher salaries were at or near the national average. Early childhood education became a priority. And the state had created a school accountability model that was being copied by other states, because money alone cannot create better schools.
The motive wasn't simply an affinity for children and teachers. Hunt understood, as do most officials these days, that education is vital to economic growth. A state that fails to invest in the education of its children will lose out on good jobs and other economic opportunities. "What all this means is that we have to put education first," he said.
Hunt may have been the cheerleader for the push on education, but the legislature was squarely on board. These days, education remains a top issue for the General Assembly, but the zeal to cut the size of government often seems to overshadow attention to investing in our future.
Finally recognizing that they can't improve education by denigrating the people who are charged with making those improvements, the General Assembly took a big step forward in approving the first substantial pay raise for teachers since the recession. Newer teachers will receive the lion's share of the benefits, a point that troubles Hunt.
"As I look at this legislature, I am pleased that there are some good pay increases for young teachers – beginning teachers – but very concerned that our veteran teachers have lost their longevity pay. These are teachers who have committed their lives to teaching our children, and grandchildren."
And while many teachers will see a healthy pay raise, other school employees such as teacher assistants, principals and counselors will not. Beyond that, the legislature has sought to "improve" schools by cutting their support networks. The Department of Public Instruction, whose staff was cut significantly several years ago, will cut another 11 percent of its 450-person force this coming year.
Some schools will have to cut teacher assistants to make up for other spending cuts, such as transportation. And funding will no longer be tied to enrollment, which sets the stage for larger class sizes. Even worse, in Hunt's mind, is an erosion of support for early childhood education, which has been shown to put students on the right track academically. The legislature cut funding a couple of years ago and took steps to limit enrollment.
"Focusing us on making sure they are learning to read is a good idea, and I commend the legislature for that," Hunt said. "But we have to focus on the earliest years, even before they come to school, if they are going to be successful in school."
He was instrumental in making pre-kindergarten programs central to state education policy. His program Smart Start was aimed at helping children be healthy and ready to start school on par with peers who may have had more advantages at home.
As a loyal Democrat, Hunt naturally prefers the policies and actions of his own party, but when it comes to education he has worked well with Republicans, too, including recently departed University of North Carolina Board of Governors member Fred Eshelman of Wilmington. The two have appeared together touting the value of the UNC system and the need to fund it appropriately.
When asked what the Republican governor and General Assembly are doing right when it comes to education, Hunt pointed to the renewed focus on making sure children can read at grade level by the time they leave third grade.
"It's a mixed bag, as I see it," he says. "Assuring students are reading by end of third grade is a good idea. But how do you get there? You need to start early." Again, back to preschool education.
Hunt also believes Gov. Pat McCrory has picked a good team to help him work with the State Board of Education to move the state forward. McCrory in turn has called the former governor "a hero of mine" and noting the former governor's welcome advice on education matters. His influence goes beyond North Carolina.
Now 77, Hunt continues to work tirelessly on education issues, both through his Hunt Institute and as a sought-after adviser and speaker at the national level. McCrory and the General Assembly would do well to seek out and heed his advice when it comes to asking the right questions and securing the future.
August 17, 2014 at 8:44 am
Richard Bunce says:
Resources are not just money and yet this article is just about more money for the same failed government school system... give parents a real choice for their children's education and let the resources flow based on the choice of parents not Raleigh and DC government education bureaucrats.