There is always another election
Published November 11, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, November 9, 2016.
The American people wanted change in the worst kind of way. And they got it.
There are only two messages in politics: (1) “Time for a change.” Or (2) “Stay the course.”
Hillary Clinton was a status quo candidate in a change year. Trump was change. And people were willing to blow up Washington to change it.
But North Carolina is a beacon of hope for Democrats.
Roy Cooper won the Governor’s race. Josh Stein was elected Attorney General. Mike Morgan won the Supreme Court race – and Democrats have a majority. Four Democrats, including Cynthia Ball and Joe John in Wake County, unseated Republican House members.
Those results are remarkable. They are a tribute to those candidates and their campaigns. Democrats should celebrate them. And look to the future.
Republicans own it now. They have to govern.
Maybe they’ll make America great again. Maybe not. Maybe Democrats will have a huge comeback in 2018 and 2020.
In North Carolina, Roy Cooper has the opportunity to define a stark choice: his way or the Republicans’. If they don’t work with him, he can run against them.
I’ve been in politics for 40 years. My first campaign was Jim Hunt’s first race for Governor in 1976. I have learned one thing: There are no final victories. And no final defeats.
There is always another election.