The war on social science

Published June 9, 2014

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, June 9, 2014.

Despite all the talk of a “war on science” being waged by political conservatives and Republican politicians — to match their supposed wars on women, men, the young, and the old, no doubt — North Carolina now features a shrill and relentless rhetorical war on social science by political liberals and Democratic politicians.

In editorials, sound bites, social media, and floor debate, the Left continues to insist that state and local tax burdens have no effect on economic growth, that higher state spending on Medicaid and unemployment insurance creates jobs, that teacher assistants boosts student achievement, and that offers teachers bonuses to obtain graduate degrees makes them more effective in the classroom.

None of these claims has empirical support. For decades now, social scientists have examined each and found them wanting. I’m not referring to the work of scholars at think tanks such as the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, or the John Locke Foundation, although I obviously think their contributions are valuable. I’m referring to professors of various disciplines and personal views whopublish their findings in peer-reviewed journals.

When liberals claim that taxes don’t affect job creation or economic growth, they are ignoring the results of hundreds of academic studies published since 1990 that reveal negative relationships between state economic performance and overall tax burdens (in 63 percent of the relevant studies), property taxes (61 percent), sales taxes (65 percent), business taxes (67 percent), and marginal income tax rates (70 percent).

When liberals claim that higher state spending on public assistance programs boosts the economy — by increasing the purchasing power of recipients for example — they are ignoring the results of 62 academic studies published on the issue since 1990. In two- thirds of them, higher state spending on public assistance was associated with less economic growth, not more.

When liberals complain that Republican proposals to transfer tax dollars from funding teacher assistants to teacher pay raises will do more harm than good, they are ignoring the fact that 69 percent of studies on the subject found the presence of teacher assistants has no measurable effect on student learning, while the vast majority of empirical research finds the quality of classroom teachers to be a key factor.

And when liberals complain that ending bonuses for graduate degrees will harm teacher quality, they are ignoring a veritable mountain of evidence — 81 percent of the 114 studies published since 1990 — that teachers with graduate degrees are no more effective than teachers without them. It turns out that teacher quality is best evaluated directly on the basis of principal evaluations, value-added test scores, or both, not indirectly on the basis of credentials or years of experience.

By no means do I mean to suggest that every important question about state fiscal and education policy has been answered. Social scientists and policy analysts will have plenty to research, study, and argue about for decades to come.

But some propositions about public policy have now been established beyond a reasonable doubt. For liberals to insist that North Carolina’s recent decisions to reduce and reform taxes, limit entitlement spending, and redirect education dollars to performance-based teacher compensation are “mean-spirited,” “extreme,” “ideologically motivated,” or “immoral” is to establish only that they are ignorant of or indifferent to the findings of modern social science.

It is as if they are flimflammers at a medicine show, holding up colorful bottles of flavored water and promising to cure arthritis, influenza, impotence, and cancer. When challenged to support their claims, they cite folk wisdom and unverifiable anecdotes.

Now, con men got away with old-time medicine scams either by moving from town to town, making money on one-time sales and then fleeing before their rackets were exposed, or by putting liquor in the bottles to provide sufferers with temporary feelings of relief rather than true cures.

Here’s the difference: I believe that many if not most critics of North Carolina’s new fiscal and economic policies actually believe their own sales pitches. They aren’t fly-by-night scam artists. They actually consume their own wares.

How sad.

June 9, 2014 at 8:23 am
Richard Bunce says:

The most egregious example is those who push racial designations in government services when we have now known for decades that there are not races in our species. Race is now a social construct created by social scientists to preserve the issue of race for various reasons. The Federal Government definition of race as a social construct is based solely on self identification that can change each time asked. Is that highly volatile and non verifiable information a basis for the USDoJ to come in a redraw a States Congressional Districts for instance?

June 9, 2014 at 10:09 am
Norm Kelly says:

How can we define the modern liberal? What words can be used to accurately define liberals in the American political system? Would the same words define the vast majority of used-to-be-news media outlets? Let's try an example to see, shall we.

To quote John, because he is such a good source: 'they are ignoring the fact that 69 percent of studies'. This statement could have been stopped with 'they are ignoring the fact'(s). For libs, facts are not important. What drives modern libs? Feelings. What else do libs rely on? What other 'information' is required in order for modern American libs to draw conclusions? No other information required.

Take bicycle helmets as an example. Somewhere, someone had a bike accident that caused a head injury. That someone's first reaction appears to have been 'there oughta be a law'. There was a recent study published that showed helmets don't actually help the average bike rider in an accident. And people who wear helmets are more likely to be in a bike-vehicle accident. Auto drivers tend to give wide latitude to bikers without helmets, while not moving over as much when passing a biker with a helmet. Of course, I've witnessed bikers who have no common sense. They ride in the middle of the travel lane, multiple bikers wide, as if cars and bikes are equal. I posit that it's more likely for bikers to remain safe if they stay to the side of the road where they belong rather than pass a law that forces me to wear a helmet. If I drive safely while biking, I'm less likely to have a head-banging accident. If I drive in the middle of a travel lane, where the auto speed limit is 45, it doesn't matter if I wear a helmet. When I get run over by a car or truck doing 45, I'm still gonna end up in a hospital with life-threatening injuries. I know, slightly off topic. My point is simple for non-low-information types. Just because some lib says it's so, doesn't mean it really is so. If libs do something, we are to assume it's automatically good. If a lib does it, there are NO negative consequences. If conservatives do it, it's either because of racism or hatred of some specific group or love of big business. With conservatives, there are ALWAYS negative side effects, and libs will be sure to point them out. And most of the time, libs will make up the negative side effects, like an old-time medicine man. Why do so many people trust libs when they make up stories that are so obviously proven wrong? Take the buffet slayer as a perfect example of just saying things and being taken seriously. Why? Can't explain this one.