The star of Bethlehem
Published December 24, 2014
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, December 23, 2014.
When we sat down to our annual Christmas lunch our group of old white conservative men were looking care-worn and weary;---they’d voted against gay marriage and won and a year and a half later gays were marrying right here in North Carolina; the newspaper headline on the table was even more discouraging: President Obama had declared ‘Transgenders’ a minority which led Conor the Jessecrat to grumble, Do you reckon back in 1964 even one Congressman who voted for the Civil Rights Act had even heard of a transgender?
Something ephemeral that had made our country our country had ceased to exist and the decline seemed inevitable and irreversible: There was not enough faith left among thegadget obsessed Americans, around us, punching IPhones and Droids to engender redemption – then Eric laid a newspaper story on the table and pointed and said:
‘Merry Christmas.’
According to the Washington Post the very liberal folks at the PEW Research Center had taken a Christmas Poll. They found:
Three out of four (or 73%) of our sodden, wealth-obsessed, vice-loving countrymen believe – literally – that the baby Jesus was born to a virgin.
There was more.
74% of our fellow Americans believe an angel – literally – appeared to the shepherds in the fields of Judea to announce the child’s birth.
And 75% of our countrymen believe – literally – that wise men, guided by a star, brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the child in the manger.
Devilment may be afoot but we live in a country that believes in angels, guiding stars, and the Virgin Birth – so there’s plenty of faith left to see us through. Happy Christmas.