The position of the NC Democratic Party on abortion

Published October 13, 2022

By Paul Stam

Last week we finally discovered the actual position of the North Carolina Democratic Party and its standard bearer, Cheri Beasley. On Wednesday October 5, the Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, Bobbie Richardson, was interviewed about the upcoming debate for the US Senate. She was specifically asked about Senator Lindsey Graham's bill protecting children from abortion beginning at 15 weeks. She stated that this bill was a “ban with no exceptions” and that Ted Budd had agreed to sponsor it in the House.

Anyone who can read the bill can see that it is not a “ban” since it only begins at 15 weeks. It therefore only affects about 7% of all abortions, and for those pregnancies after 15 weeks there are exceptions written in for cases of rape, incest, the life of the mother, and serious health issues for the mother.                               

On Friday October 7, it was Justice Beasley in debate wanting to “codify Roe v. Wade.” Roe allowed abortion up to “viability” in the single unfettered opinion of the abortionist, which they often took to be 28 weeks and further. The 20-week protection in N.C. Law was not allowed until after Roe was overruled. A federal court had enjoined that statute because of Roe. Clearly Justice Beasley doesn’t understand Roe.

All but one democrat member of Congress voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act which goes way beyond Roe in wiping out all statutory protections for unborn children in federal law and all fifty states and territories, including parental consent and informed consent laws and prohibitions on funding limitations. I doubt that Justice Beasley has ever read Roe and the companion and subsequent cases such as Doe and Casey.

Have you ever heard Justice Beasley mention the existence of the unborn child at all? How can she discuss the conflict of rights between a mother and her unborn child without letting the child be heard?

In their legislative caucuses the Democrats are not together. The House leader is fine with the 20 week protection law but also wants to codify Roe. He doesn’t understand that Roe meant that protection for the child at 20 weeks was unconstitutional.

Jay Chaudhri, the N.C. Senate Whip, (and caucus money raiser), bitterly and frequently attacked the reinstatement of the 20 week limitation. And he systematically used the overruling of Roe to raise money for the caucus.

Question: Where do the Democrats stand?

Answer: For the Abortion Industry

The writer, Paul Stam, served 16 years in the House of Representatives, the last 10 as Republican Leader and Speaker Pro Tem. See for further information.