The new state seal?

Published August 3, 2013

Source: Talking About Politics

Untitled attachment 00058


Translation: To be backwards rather than to seem backwards

August 3, 2013 at 9:49 am
Chris Telesca says:

It should be a cracker not a cookie! ;-)

August 3, 2013 at 10:45 am
Richard Bunce says:

The State seal for the last century would be an armed government agent wearing a donkey button coming to confiscate your wealth to fund a failed government bureaucracy.

August 3, 2013 at 11:32 am
Norm Kelly says:

Richard is right on the money!!

I have suspected for a long time what is now obviously true. Republicans are not capable of doing anything good or for the right reasons. The ONLY people in this country, and now in our state, who are kind/generous/honest are Liberals/Democrats/Big Government/Socialist types.

Gov Pat sent some cookies out to some protestors? This can only be a taunt, a slap in the face, a derogatory statement about women. There can absolutely be no good reason for Gov Pat having done this. Of course, if Gov Bev had done this just a few short months ago, she would have been portrayed as one of the most compassionate politicians in state history. God forbid Gov Easley would have sent cookies out to those who stood against him. I'm afraid the legislature and the press would have insisted on his sainthood. The least that would have happened is the legislature would have sent a proclamation out praising his compassion and willingness to reach across the aisle. The Democrats in the legislature and school boards across the state would have insisted that every classroom read the proclamation and show the accompanying video. Even if they had to re-enact the situation, there absolutely would have been a video to go along with this show of love & togetherness.

But that's not what happened here. Anyone who looks at this can only come to the conclusion that Gov Pat is a bigot, racist, homophobe, woman-hater who's intent is to insure that abortion is eliminated in NC, women are prevented from working, and baking cookies/cooking dinner is their only task in life, by government decree.

I couldn't agree more with (what used to be) the major press. For this one act alone, Gov Pat should be impeached from office. No one who shows such hate to a group of people should ever be allowed to serve in public office again! When will the rest of the liberal press join me in this effort? When will the press start doing an investigation of the history of hate by Gov Pat? There JUST MUST BE evidence in his past of such ruthless hatred to start a recall petition! Someone please, someone with power to pull this off, start something big NOW!

I'd love to love those on the left. They just make it so hard. Their insane behavior shows how out of touch with reality they really are. I'm glad they put it on such public display. It can only help the conservative cause. More & more people will realize how absurd liberal policies and views on life really are.