The Most Backward Legislature in America
Published July 30, 2013
by John Wilson, former head of NEA and NCAE, July 29, 2013.
I realize many of you in states like Texas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Florida, and Tennessee could tell similar stories, but the North Carolina General Assembly, with its GOP super-majority and leaderless Governor, who is also a member of the Republican Party, have managed to destroy the reputation of a state. Once known for having the most innovative and progressive public school system in America, North Carolina is now a trajectory of backwardness.
This legislature has put North Carolina in a race to the bottom on per pupil expenditures. This legislature chose to cut education by a half a billion dollars--even though the state had more resources available than in previous years. North Carolina will lose over 5,000 teachers, counselors, and school psychologists. A reading program that provided teaching assistants for K-3 classrooms was decimated by the elimination of almost 4,000 positions. Cuts to textbooks and instructional supplies exceeded $120 million. This is backward.
This legislature had plenty of funds to provide generous tax cuts to the wealthy. Ninety percent of the individual tax cuts go to the wealthiest 5 percent in NC. To show their disdain for the poor and middle class, state lawmakers eliminated the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as well as the tax holiday on back to school clothes and supplies, which has been an economic driver for our retail merchants. Everyone knows that tax relief for the poor and middle class are better economic drivers because the neediest people spend their money---unlike rich people who have the luxury of saving tax benefits. This is backward.
This legislature also had plenty of funds to provide generous tax cuts to corporations, many of them headquartered in other states. North Carolina has always been rated as a great place to do business because of its renowned universities, research and innovation, and strong public schools. However, this legislature has cut the institutions that prepare North Carolina's workforce. This action is more about rewarding friends and donors than it is about economic development and recruitment of new employers. This is backward.
North Carolina was recently rated 46th among all states and DC for teacher pay. The state was already projected to be 48th this coming year, but that did not satisfy this legislature. Lawmakers wanted their teachers to be last in the nation so they failed to provide them with a salary increase. To underscore their anti-intellectual credentials, they eliminated additional pay for those who earn master's degrees and other advanced degrees in the future. To add insult to injury, in two years, they will give 25 percent of the teachers a little over $300, after taxes, if their test scores are the highest. Of course, to silence teachers, they eliminated career status (so-called tenure) for all teachers and replaced it with terminating contracts. This is backward.
North Carolina has been known for its programs to improve teacher recruitment and retention. This legislature eliminated our crown jewel, the Teaching Fellows Program, which provided scholarships annually to 600 high-achieving high school students who wanted to make teaching a lifelong career. Instead, they chose to give Teach for America an allocation of $5 million to place 175 teachers in our schools next year. Of course, school districts must pay salaries, benefits, and finder's fees for these TFAers. There are 6,000 Teaching Fellows who are still teaching. Those175 TFAers will be gone in two years. What kind of ROI (return on investment) is that for the taxpayers of NC? This is backward.
North Carolina has been acknowledged for its good citizenship efforts to encourage voting. We have a special program for high school students to help them pre-register to vote when they are 16 or 17 years old. This program is now gone. Suppression of young, minority, and disabled voters reigns supreme in North Carolina. This state has returned to the dark days of segregationist practices. This is backward.
Yes, North Carolina has the most backward legislature in America. However, thankfully, NC still has a majority of progressive and pro-public school people who have learned a great lesson about studying candidates' positions on issues and voting in every election. They've also learned about encouraging good people to run for office and the power of civil disobedience to call attention to the misdeeds of a misguided legislature. The majority of concerned and compassionate Tar Heels will prevail. It will just take time, mobilization, and voting.
July 30, 2013 at 8:58 am
Richard Bunce says:
... pro government education industrial complex people he means. Sadly these folks think spending money is the true measure of an education system while more than half of their customers cannot read at grade level. What NC is no hopefully no longer is stuck in the past of a failed government education system that have now let down several generations of students and their parents.
July 30, 2013 at 12:54 pm
dj anderson says:
When John Wilson was leading the NCAE, before going to DC to eventually lead the NEA, he worked with the legislature and Gov. Hunt to bring NC teacher pay into the top half of the country. It's gone downhill since.
I wonder if John Wilson had still been president of NCAE would he have had the will or wisdom to read the political climate and have courted enough Republican legislators on the one issue of teacher pay to gain the majority needed to get the pay raises, at least. John is that politically savvy, but I guess the question is whether NCAE supports teachers or just Democrats?
Assuming that NCAE can take Democratic legislative votes for granted, could not the NCAE via its political action arm, ACT could start today, right now, to woe and support only Republican candidates with ALL their money, time, and efforts at the polls and actually deliver votes from a couple a dozen Republican representatives to take the majority for teachers? Would not that be a smarter strategy for teachers than betting on the Moral Monday protest of yesterday delivering in the next election a Democratic majority? NCAE bet on the wrong horse in the last race.
Face it, teacher pay did not stay at national average under Easley & Perdue even in the 8 years when those governors had Democrats in control of the legislators. NCAE needs a new strategy in these changing times. That means, to me, new leadership and new ideas.
Might that not mean NCAE supporting a republican candidate who is not pro-abortion rights, or is pro-voter ID, but who has agreed to support teacher pay increases. The NCAE is a special interest group and could just look out for themselves and vote single issue.
Again I will ask, does the NCAE exist for the good of the Democratic Party or for the teachers? Those two things might no longer be the one and the same.
Does that not sound politically pragmatic? Do you think the current leadership of the NCAE could, should or would change parties in a fourth of the counties to gain needed legislative support? Can legislators be so influenced? Well, the NCAE has sure been trying for a long time to do just that.
Why would Republicans increase funding to teachers to use some of that money to against Republicans? There are consequences for supporting teh losing party as well as the right candidates.
Right now, the NCAE is supporting bussing teachers to protests. Is that the wisest way to get what teachers want? Will teachers be willinig to work for those Republicans legislators next year who didn't vote for them this year, to get the needed votes?
I think the NCAE is owned by Democrats, as per the 10 years of being taken for granted after John Wilson left NCAE, and I ask again will the NCAE keep betting on the wrong horse even when a long shot?
There's 100,000 VOTING teachers in NC, and they are in every county. They can, with the right professional leadership at NCAE, have they way on teacher pay, at least, backward legislature or not.