The hate that hate produced

Published September 26, 2024

By Cash Michaels

In 1959, Mike Wallace, arguably one of the most prolific television journalists of our time, hosted a remarkable documentary on CBS titled, “The Hate that Hate Produced.” It was about the rise of Black nationalism in the United States, and specifically focused on the Nation of Islam.

For the first time ever, white Americans saw African-Americans on TV refusing to believe that blacks and whites could live together in peace, and in fact, demanding a state of their own to live separately from the rest of their country.

Why? Because racism was so pernicious at the time, it forced members of the Nation to reject even the prospect of America’s promise - that all men are created equal, “…with liberty, and justice for all.”

We virtually have the same thing happening today with the Nation of MAGA, except for one key difference -  Malcolm X of the Nation of Islam definitely was not crazy.

Donald Trump of MAGA, certainly is. 

But I’m, without question now, convinced, weeks after one of the most powerful debates most of us have even seen, that anyone who still believes Donald Trump should return to the White House in 2025, either can’t see, can’t hear, or doesn’t want to see and hear what a dumbfounding mistake that would be for our country.

In fact, I would suggest that the average devout MAGA follower has been brainwashed into hating this country, and the promise that it offers, all because Donald Trump hates this country too. He knows a strong majority of us have no intention of giving him the power he craves.

That’s why he threatens to screw with the election results.

Thus, Donald Trump produces bigoted hate to get what he wants.

You saw it. The poor clown was reduced to outrageous lies in every other sentence that spewed from his angry lips during the debate - babies being killed after being carried to term; him having a “concept” of a health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act; both Democrats and Republicans wanting a woman’s abortion rights to be determined by the states, which is why the U.S. Supreme Court was “correct” to vote down Roe V. Wade; Haitian immigrants reportedly eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio.

On that last one, can you imagine some 65-year-old MAGA woman watching the debate in Springfield hearing from Trump that Black Haitian immigrants there plan to snack on her pets?

“Henry, did you hear that? Those people want to eat Charlie and Oscar! Trump said he heard it on television so it must be true because all he watches is Fox!”

For the record, and this is still being repeated over and over again by legitimate news organizations even weeks after, that vicious, racist lie has been debunked. Yet, schools and government buildings have been been closed, bomb threats made, public events cancelled. People there are being hurt.

Haitian immigrants are in Springfield legally, working hard, paying taxes, adding to the quality of life there, not endangering animals or anyone else, say local officials and the Republican governor. But all 20,000 have been put at risk because of Trump’s lies. 

That won’t stop him. Now, he’s even planning to bring his hate show directly to Springfield.

And the worst of it is, neither he nor his VP pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, will come off of it. Why? Because they know their followers want to believe the worst of people of color.

That mental disease is called white supremacy, folks, and it’s what keeps Trump and Vance in business. 

There has to already be a screw loose inside for anyone to believe that crap Trump is talking. You already have to believe the worst about America to hear the Trump lies and say “Amen.” And that’s why his believers were hair-on-fire that ABC debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis fact-checked his lying behind.

Why not? He can’t admit to losing anything, or being wrong. That would break the spell. Especially at the hands of an extraordinary woman of color who told Trump to his face he was weak and a disgrace. He doesn’t want any more of that. Can’t handle it.

That’s why “Make America Great Again” clearly suggests that it was before the civil rights movement, and before the women’s rights movement, or before the U.S. Supreme Court codified the right to gay marriage, or before we elected a Black president TWICE, that life in this country was the way it should be.

These MAGA people loved it when they and theirs were in charge, and had the last word on who had rights and who didn’t.

Don’t believe me? Ask a MAGA follower exactly what MAGA means, and then strap yourself in for the answer.

These folks hate the America we have today. Sure all of us can agree that things aren’t perfect, and much needs to fixed. But the answer isn’t dividing ourselves into warring factions to do it.

But what someone once wrote about why MAGA folks - even so-called “christian nationalists” - unquestionably support Trump, is true.

He professes hatred for the same people they hate, and is willing to stand up and angrily say so. So, they truly don’t care what crimes he’s been convicted of, or how many felony convictions he’s amassed, or what racist things he continues to spew. And they refuse to believe those things are legitimate!

That’s why it will be interesting to see how the MAGA Nation reacts to Trump posting “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” after the megastar with tens of millions of social media followers endorsed VP Harris over him recently.

Swiftie Nation versus MAGA Nation - that should be some political face-off.

Buzzfeed rounded up several social media postings of well-known, yet truly washed up celebrities who happen to be Trump supporters, after the debate.

Roseanne Barr - “You saw a human [Trump] going against a machine [Kamala] and the human won.”

Scott Baio (‘Chachi from “Happy Days”)  posted a picture of Harris’ left earring and charged it was a transmitter. “The bigger questions are, who’s talking to her if she really has an earpiece? Did @ABC give her the questions before the debate? Why didn’t the moderators remain neutral? Why didn’t they make her answer the questions? Why didn’t she talk to the press after the debate? Who is actually running the country? Why do they hate @realDonaldTrump so much? None of this passes the sniff test…”

And actor Antonio Sabato Jr. (General Hospital) so hated Kamala Harris, he posted a picture with the right side of his TV set covered with a black towel, showing only Trump on the left, with the word “Perfect” written above.

Even Trump's former press secretary-now governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, threw cheap shade at a recent Trump rally on VP Harris for not having biological children of her own to keep her “humble” (Madame Vice President has two stepchildren to love and mother per her marriage to Doug Emhoff).

You know as much as I rag Republicans and conservatives, I’ve never once even considered going after their family situations, or lack thereof. That kind of vicious, hateful, uncouth thing seems bottom-of-the-public-toilet-stall filthy to me. Someone tell Gov. Sarah and Sen. J.D. “childless cat lady” Vance that for me next time you see ‘em, will ya, please? 


        What's a "Black Nazi?"

         A chocolate covered, hate-mongering, narcissistic sexual pervert who is losing badly in his race for NC governor!

        Georgia Democratic U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock called him "White supremacy in blackface!" Ouch!  

Make no mistake, the whole shameful episode is the epitome of self-hatred!

It has been apparently too much for even Trump’s campaign, which had a rally in Wilmington Sept. 21st, and invited every other MAGA Republican candidate, except Black Nazi, to appear. Imagine, a convicted sex offender presidential candidate, with a wife proud of taking her clothes off for pictures, afraid to now publicly hob-nob with an alleged sexual pervert for governor. Fancy that.

         Folks are canceling fundraisers for this guy. Much of his campaign staff - including the manager and chief fundraiser - and official office staff, have quit "en masse" on the Frankenstein monster they've created and served. Major Republicans have turned their backs on him. The guy is radioactive!

    Even the NC NAACP has called on Black Nazi and his divisive campaign to hit the bricks.

        Democrats are smiling and fundraising in their sleep over this juicy mess!

        "Black Nazi," who has denied all (naturally), allegedly said on a porno site years before he entered politics that he loved slavery, wished he owned slaves, loved Hitler and even had a sexual affair with his wife's sister. Sounds like a heaping, helping dose of sicko self-destructive derangement to me. To think this tool of white Republican racism, who hates women, Jews, and Blacks, but allegedly loves to mess around with his sister-in-law, still thinks he has a shot at winning the election. 

        And the NC Republican Party is four-square backing him up after all of this! Lord have mercy!

        Black Nazi is still in the race, still on the ballot, and still in GOP hearts (I guess GOP now stands for "gang of perverts").

        He now says he's going after CNN legally for its reporting. All I have to say about that is "Popcorn, please!" CNN is a lot of things, folks, but sloppy isn't one of them! They nailed that report before allowing one word out. Trust me!

        What gets me is Black Nazi's supporters apparently have so much hatred for themselves, they'll still vote for this clown instead of someone with at least a modicum of decency, because, like Trump, Black Nazi hates who they hate...the media, liberals, so-called "woke" people, the government. That makes him "alright" in their book.

         After all, according to Black Nazi, "Some folks need killing!"

Trump feeds this abnormal mentality, and as long as that’s the case, I'm afraid there is no chance of this country ever coming back together again.

What many MAGA folks don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, is that Trump’s hatred is an undeniable byproduct of his unquenchable thirst for power, at the expense of democracy.

Thus, the reason why he’s a charter member of the murderous dictator-wannabe club. He wants to be the law, with the people having nothing to say in the matter.

But in MAGA world, the hatred is so thick, they can’t see the crystal clear forest for the trees.

The hate that hate produced.

Mike Wallace is long dead and gone now, but if he were here today, and had one good report left in him, he would dig deep, real deep, into the twisted mindset of Americans who were willing to attack their own U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th, 2021 and are willing to do it again, just because a crazed paragon of hate, with no respect for democracy, told them to.

No, I’m not optimistic that this MAGA syndrome will pass, even if Trump is no longer here. This country’s demographics are about to radically change, and people of color will soon be in the majority. A lot of MAGA folks don’t like that.

The hate that Trump’s senseless hatred produced is deep in the DNA of most of his people. They want to be seen and heard…they want to matter.

But on the night before he was killed 56 years ago, I heard a man, a wise prophet of  peace, say, Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge, to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation.” 

That means we vote in November like never before! Because if we do, this wise prophet said, good things can happen. But it won’t be easy!

“We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land.”

If tens of millions of good, sensible Americans vote in this election, Dr. King, then yes, we have a chance to reach “the Promised Land” someday, and save our country. I pray that happens, …for all of us!