The great GOP Benghazi bungle
Published October 24, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, October 23, 2015.
After suffering one of the worst summers in the history of presidential races, Hillary Clinton just wrapped up one of the best weeks in the history of presidential races. Thanks to the House Benghazi Committee.
Last week she won the Democratic debate. Then Joe Biden decided he couldn’t beat her. Then she did something John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy couldn’t do: stand up to the bully-boys in the House Republican caucus.
No doubt the committee Republicans and Fox News will try to gin up something to salvage Thursday’s 11-hour marathon. But the Republicans lost the TV drama – badly. They apparently forgot about the cameras and thought they were in a courtroom. Though they would have lost in a courtroom, too.
They forgot the most fundamental lesson of political TV going all the way back to the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954: cool, calm and in command beats hot, rude and angry every time. (Greenfield’s Law: Bugs Bunny always beats Daffy Duck.)
The Republicans on the committee forgot that women – and men too – don’t like to see puffed-up men hectoring, interrupting and mansplaining to women.
They forgot that more people would be watching during prime time, when the hearing focused on the very issue that gave Bernie Sanders his best debate moment: “Enough with the damn emails!” One of the frat boys angrily demanded that Hillary tell him – right now! – “what were the search terms?”
“Search terms”? Seriously?
Worst of all, the committee forgot to watch the Democratic debate. They would have learned that Hillary Clinton is good at this. A lot better than they are.
The most telling moment came after the hearing was over (mercifully for the Republicans). A reporter asked Chairman Trey (Howdy Doody) Gowdy a lethally short and simple question: What did you learn new? His face shiny with sweat, Gowdy shifted uncomfortably and finally ventured, “Uh….we’ll have to look at the transcript.”
Game, set and match, Hillary.
October 24, 2015 at 8:43 am
Randy Layhe says:
Funny how Hillary was crowned the winner of the debate when EVERY single public pole taken had Bernie Sanders winning by miles(84% on the CNN pole that was taken down).
Try being fair and honest with you me coverage please.
October 24, 2015 at 10:13 am
Tom Hauck says:
Interesting point of view Mr. Pearce and by the way, if you were so sure of your facts and the power of your argument, why do you need to personalize your disagreement with the other side "(Trey (Howdy Doody)Gowdy)"? Seems childish to me and pretty unsure of what you are trying to convey.
What I got out of the hearing was that Mrs. Clinton told the American public an untruth (the attack was caused by the video)and she told her daughter that night and the leaders of Libya (that night)and Egypt (the next day)the truth. What do those gentlemen think of her honesty and do they think she can be counted on to be honest with them?
If she convinced the President and Ms. Rice to tell the Americans and the world about blaming the video -- they all lost credibility and this helps explain why no one has confidence in what the US says.
Why would anyone consider voting to put her in charge of anything?
October 24, 2015 at 11:10 am
Norm Kelly says:
Just like every other lib out there, Gary supports Billary. Is anyone actually surprised?
Billary could have been skewered and libs would say she won anyway. What is it about this liar, cheater, law-breaker that enthralls libs so much? What will she do for lib-dom that encourages libs to accept her no matter how bad she really is?
If you've ever wondered before if liberalism is a brain disease, Billary's campaign is the proof you need. Though I doubt a single low-information lib voter even knows how bad this hearing was for Billary and lib-dom in general. Cuz the average lib voter, low-information voter didn't watch ANY of the hearing, didn't listen to ANY of the hearing, but are relying on their allies in the media to tell them just how good Billary did.
First, we now know without doubt that Billary LIED to the American people she is supposed to work for. She told us that the attack was provoked by a stupid youtube video that nobody saw until AFTER her & the liar occupier pointed it out. She told her family members that it was a terrorist attack. She told leaders around the world that this was a terrorist attack. There's even a story out there that the occupier went shopping on youtube for a video to blame. And worse than video shopping, a filmmaker in America, a supposedly free-speech country, was jailed for making a video. Imagine in a free country that you can be jailed for making a video. Imagine that this video isn't even ABOUT an American. You make a video that DOES NOT demonize an American politician or an American political agency (such as the biased, outrageous IRS), and get thrown in jail for expressing your opinion. Especially when your opinion DID NOT cause any negative response!
Second, Billary was caught on video laughing while sitting in a hearing to find out why 4 Americans DIED! Not only did she wonder why it mattered at all, now she laughs when the topic comes up.
I could go on, but I lack the time. I have other things to do rather than show how ignorant lib media types are. I have other things to do that matter more than showing how out of touch with reality libs and their media allies are. Truth, honesty, integrity, and the rule of law are meaningless to today's American lib. Low-information voters and illegal aliens are the allies of lib pols. Cuz without low-information types and illegal aliens, the only ones who would continue to vote for liar, cheater, law-breaker libs are those who are paid to vote for them! And libs are doing everything they can, including breaking American law, in order to produce more paid voters, more low-information voters, and more illegal voters. Gary's blatherings simply reinforce this idea. Cuz if Gary were interested in truth, honesty, integrity, this post wouldn't exist, and he would start denouncing Billary instead of blindly supporting her. And to suggest that Crazy Uncle Joe isn't in the race because he knows he can't beat this liar is simply uneducated.
October 24, 2015 at 3:12 pm
Johnny Hiott says:
Let's see now : Just how much help did the Benghazi hearings give to hillary ? It provided her the opportunity to prove beyond doubt she is a liar on a scale with obama. It has proved she was negligent in sending help to those four honorable men who were slaughtered thanks to the criminal activity of both hillary and obama. It also will prove once and for all just how stupid Americans are if they are willing to allow her to ascend to the office of president ! No matter how many lies the "once fourth estate" prints to the contrary it will not change the fact that both hillary and obama are complicit in four more murders. The blood on their hands will never be washed off. The sad thing about the hearings is that there are now so many cowardly and criminal members of congress that they will never hold either of them accountable for their crimes !