The disturbing demagoguery on LGBT rights
Published February 26, 2016
by Chris Fitzsimon, NC Policy Watch and NC SPIN panelist, February 25, 2016.
This is what politics in North Carolina has come to 16 years into the 21st century.
The state’s largest city follows the lead of hundreds of other local governments across the country and adopts a common sense non-discrimination ordinance to protect the basic rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people and the current political leadership of the state explodes in a fury of fear-mongering and demagoguery that is simply breathtaking to behold.
Gov. Pat McCrory, always sensitive to shoring up his skeptical right-wing base, says the ordinance is extreme left wing regulation—whatever that means—and that it is somehow a threat to public safety and he wants the General Assembly to step in and overrule the Charlotte City Council’s vote.
House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and other lawmakers appear to be in a contest to out pander each other with references to children at risk from sexual predators and pledges to overturn the “radical course” Charlotte leaders are on.
Moore is now reportedly floating the idea of a special legislative session to overturn the ordinance even though the General Assembly is already scheduled to return to Raleigh in April for its summer session.
Franklin Graham, who McCrory and other Republicans like to hang around with, called the ordinance “wicked and filthy.”
McCrory and his fellow right-wing politicians seem to believe they have found their wedge social issue for the 2016 election and are apparently willing to say almost anything to distort it for their political advantage.
The ordinance simply protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from discrimination by businesses open to the public. A hotel cannot refuse a room to a gay couple because they are gay just as they cannot refuse a room to an African-American because of their race.
It is hardly a radical concept.
Far-right religious groups don’t want any protections for LGBT people. Period. Politicians like McCrory and Moore are focusing primarily on the part of the ordinance that would allow transgender people to use the public restroom that corresponds to their gender identity.
That is where all the absurd claims about predators and the danger to children come from. But as supporters of the ordinance point out, the laws governing behavior in public bathrooms haven’t changed and neither have the laws against assault, exposure, etc.
All the law does is allow transgender people to avoid harassment and intimidation when they use a public restroom.
And left out of the harrowing harangues from the pandering politicians is that more than 250 local governments have already adopted a similar ordinance, including Columbia, South Carolina—a conservative town where at last check there has been no flurry of attempted bathroom assaults or fearful parents and children storming city hall.
And it’s tough to buy that it’s only the absurd bathroom issue that has McCrory and Moore so worked up. Both of them have refused to support legislation that provides basic workplace protections for LGBT people in the state.
You can still be fired in North Carolina simply for being gay. McCrory is apparently ok with that.
And who can forget that some legislative leaders during the debate about marriage equality a few years ago stood side-by-side on stage with homophobic crusaders bellowing that gay people are an abomination and going to hell.
Many major corporations already have non-discrimination policies in place and nobody’s fleeing Apple or Bank of America over their bathroom policy.
Let’s hope corporate leaders speak out in the coming legislative debate about basic civil rights for our friends and neighbors and family members who are gay or transgender.
And let’s demand that our political leaders be better than this, and stop their bigoted speech and efforts to demonize people and scare us all for their own political gain.
Enough is enough. North Carolina must be better than this.
February 26, 2016 at 8:53 am
Richard L Bunce says:
So Chris has no clue about left wing regulation but is locked into the skeptical left wing base... everything you need to know about Chris found in that sentence.
February 26, 2016 at 8:54 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Let's try this again... still need that edit button.
February 26, 2016 at 9:59 am
Norm Kelly says:
It's obvious that Chris is a die-hard, left-wing radical. Chris has NEVER found a lib scheme or idea that he hasn't endorsed. I can't remember the last time Chris had anything positive to say about any non-lib idea or plan. When was the last time Chris came out opposed to ANY extra protections for specific groups of people? The only time ANY lib opposes 'special protections' is when it's stated that 'the rich' already do pay a fair share of taxes and should not be taxed more. Then libs come out of the closet to oppose protections.
How many pervs does it take to convince die-hard lib, leftist radicals, that their idea of common sense is actually stoopidity? Obviously, there is no limit to the idea of 'common sense' with radicals.
Look at a woman wrong, sexual harassment lawsuit.
Comment about a woman's hair, sexual harassment lawsuit.
Hire a man instead of a woman, even a more qualified man, potential sexual discrimination lawsuit.
Fire a woman for valid reason, potential sexual discrimination lawsuit.
Promote a man, even a more qualified man, over a woman, expect a sexual discrimination lawsuit.
Use a public shower with the pictograph of a dress while actually being a man, left-wing radicals suddenly give you a pass.
This is what left-wing radicals call 'common sense'?!
Thank God I lack common sense. At least what left-wing zealots call 'common sense'. What I have, since identifying as a black female, is actual common sense where I can tell the difference between 'right' and 'wrong', between a 'good idea' and a left-wing radical scheme. As a black female, I may be incapable of identifying myself to vote, I may lack skills to get a 'good paying' job, I may lack the ability to buy food for my family without assistance, but thank God I can still think logically for myself. If I had to rely on left-wing zealots for thinking ability ALSO, I'm not sure how I'd continue to get through life! Cuz what left-wing radicals define as 'thinking ability' or 'common sense' is anything but!
Is the rest of Chris's comment worth reading? No. Starts with a bogus, nonsensical, premise meaning what follows is only attempting to support the nonsense. Nonsense in, nonsense out. Prevent nonsense out by eliminating nonsense in.
How does one prevent nonsense in? Stop reading or listening to left-wing, radical, zealot, socialist libs who lack real common sense. Stop listening to NBC news, stop listening when the community organizer occupier blathers on about violating the law of the land, stop reading Chris!