The battle of the bathrooms
Published April 15, 2016
by John Wynne, Politics NC, April 14, 2016.
There’s an irony in the fallout over HB 2. The part of the law that has received the most attention and has sparked the most controversy, leading to mass boycotts, is also its most popular provision. Polls show that North Carolinians overwhelmingly support the ‘bathroom’ part of the bill.
This is precisely why you’re unlikely to see legislators revisit the bathroom provision. It’s also why Republicans may have erred in overreaching. Had they just gone with making Charlotte’s law (and all other laws like it) null and void, the backlash we’re seeing wouldn’t be present. LGBT groups are good at picking their battles, and they would have probably concluded that the North Carolina battle wasn’t worth it.
Even though Republicans enacted a much broader law, they can still reap the political benefits. North Carolinians are concerned about the economic impact of the law but also want the bathroom provision in place. The side that listens to the people and appears to share their concerns is going to win, politically.
Right now, the governor is getting raked over the coals for his executive order on HB 2 but his position – of compromise – is the appropriate one. I’m also convinced it’s a winning position and in line with the vast majority of NC voters, of whom only a minority want the entire law repealed. McCrory’s concessions should reassure the electorate that the governor is not a right-wing ideologue. He’s willing to listen and to make changes to existing laws if necessary.
For the LGBT groups and social activist corporations fighting the law, the ball is now in their court. Do they continue to fight for full repeal – a position not shared by the vast majority of North Carolinians – or do they take what they can get and instead put pressure on the legislature to make minor changes? The ultimate winner in this tug-of-war is going to be the side that appears most willing to make concessions and listen to the other side. Opponents of the law should keep that in mind – and remember also that they don’t want this debate to be about bathrooms.