The American economic system
Published February 18, 2014
Guest commentary from Mike Armstrong, February 17, 2014.
One common trap that a lot of us fall into is rising to defend the current American economic system ... As if it were a free market economy. it is not and we should not feel obligated to defend it. When Liberals and Progressives lash out at some of it's flaws, they are on target. In purer moments, we even refer to the current system as corporate fascism or crony capitalism. That they cannot or will not differentiate between the various forms of capitalism should provide us with a teaching moment.
We need to point out that the current socialist administration has taken the crony-capitalism of George Bush to new highs from Wall St Bailouts to noted failures of cronyism such as
Solendra and many others. Under BO, the very rich have gotten richer while the poor have been kept poor. Which brings us to the cliche, "FAIR SHARE". Liberals and progressives would have everyone believe that there must be an ultimate judge of what is "fair". T he best determinate of what is a fair share is the free market economy where the consumer, free to choose, make countless choices every day.
Lastly, there is the crocodile-tear concern over the disparity of incomes in the US. Facts that we can all agree on are ...This disparity is most evident among the Inner city poor, who are being kept poor so that their robotic electoral support can be delivered each election cycle with regularity. Another "given" is that the surest way out of poverty is a good education. Yet, these very same crocodile tear wielding progressives will move Heaven and Earth to prevent the poor from having any alternate choices concerning their children's education. They adamantly oppose any efforts at real education reform. The defenders of a failing public education manage to feign concern over income disparity.
Folks, we don't have to play their game. We can withdraw from a field where the game is rigged and compete where there is a chance to win. it is in the prudent choices you make with your time, your money and your energies that will turn the tide back in the right direction.
Real unemployment is around 23%, not 6.6%, and the consumer price index (CPI) which is erroneously used as a measure of inflation is actually nearer 5% than the published 2%. We are definitely in a world where the truth is treated as a lie and the lie has become the truth. These are indeed times that will try our Souls, our Faith and our Testimonies. May we all pass this test iwith flying colors!
February 18, 2014 at 10:27 am
Norm Kelly says:
Very well stated. Not much more to be said.
Willing to bet there are a number of bed wetters, I mean libs, who absolutely hate the author of this editorial. Too much truth.
Until Obama, Bill Clinton was the absolute best liar this world has ever seen. That's a huge hill to climb, but I believe this is one area where he succeeded. Obama puts Bill to shame. Obama's ability to lie, and surround himself with people who are willing to lie for him, is surreal. The ability of used-to-be main stream media to suck this down without question is alarming. Not surprising, just alarming. But it does explain their failing financial situation.
Intelligent, freedom loving, independent, employed people need to band together to move the country back in the right direction. It's our duty to our kids.