The 60-year war on public schools
Published October 1, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, September 30, 2015.
This didn’t start when the Republicans took over the legislature in 2010. It dates back to the US Supreme Court decision outlawing segregated schools in 1954.
Now, a toxic crew of racists, right-wingers and private-school profiteers smell victory.
Back in the ‘50s and ‘60s, Governors, legislators and school boards across the South pulled out every stop to avoid integration. Many wanted to shut down the public schools, and some states did. North Carolina had courageous leaders who bucked the tide. Beverly Lake would have done it if he had been elected Governor in 1960, but Terry Sanford beat him and stopped him. Still, it was a close thing.
Now there’s really nothing to stop them. Except the voters. And a recent poll by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation suggests that the voters want to stop them:
- 59% believe K-12 public education in the state of North Carolina is on the wrong track,
- 80% of voters agree “state policy and funding decisions are putting greater burdens on our local schools and giving them fewer resources to educate our students.”
- 76% believe it is highly important to “make sure the school district is adequately funded to provide a 21st century education.”
- 62% identify underpaid teachers as a problem
- 73% agree public money should not go to private schools
- 71% agree tax dollars should not go to for-profit companies who run charter schools that are not accountable to taxpayers for delivering student outcomes in the same way local public schools are.
- 71% believe it is very important that state laws, policies and regulations should require the same measures and level of accountability for student performance from every charter or private school that receives taxpayer funds.
This is a winning formula for Democrats. Two questions: Will they, can they seize it? And what exactly will they do to fix it when and if they return to power?
October 1, 2015 at 10:26 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Oh wait, every time Education Vouchers are offered there always many more parents who want to use the vouchers to improve their children's education than there are vouchers available. It is the traditional government schools run by the government education industrial complex that are the problem, not parents wanting a better future for their children.
October 1, 2015 at 10:35 am
Norm Kelly says:
'what exactly will they (democrats) do to fix it when and if they return to power?'
Exactly the same thing they do for EVERYTHING, without question. Silly. Demons always, without exception, spend more money on an issue and tax citizens more. Is it possible to show examples where they've done different or even proposed different?
The solution for every problem that demons see is spend more money on it. Even when it's the demoncrat party implementing spending cuts, they blame Republicans. When the VA Health care system showed complete failure, what was the political, liberal response? Allow privatization? Hardly. Liberals prevent privatization at every opportunity. Private companies can NOT be trusted. At least according to libs/demons/socialists. The response from every lib pol was/is to spend more money on the failing system, AND blame Republicans for non-existent cuts in the program! Even while creating new facilities for vets is behind schedule, grossly overbudget, adn terribly mismanaged. Creating facilities specifically for vets while there are already private facilities in place that could take care of vets probably better, more timely, less cost, and much closer to home in many circumstances. How many medical facilities do vets have to pass in order to get to the designated government facility for care? And this is the model for Obamacancer?
Oh, demons actually do one more thing than spend more. They implement ANOTHER government agency to oversee the 'fix'. The existing government agency stays in place, the government employees continue to work & get paid, but the new agency has some level of oversight of the previously existing agency. But with the new agency in place, the old agency has even less responsibility. Not fewer employees. Not a smaller budget. Not responsibility to 'fix' the problem. Just another program/agency in place to make citizens FEEL like the problem is solved, and to make the lib pols 'feel' good that they've done 'something positive'.
What's one thing that can be taken from this post by a lib writer? Conservatives/Republicans have been waging a war on government monopoly schools for 60 years. Even when Republicans were in the minority, government monopoly schools were in jeopardy and only kindly, loving, non-racist, for-the-poor liberals were standing in the way of total school destruction.
Do the stats show anything revealing? Yes and no. First it shows that if incorrect information is fed to citizens often enough, loud enough, through enough sources, they'll start to believe the misinformation. It's the old demon philosophy, plan, scheme. It's one that Billary continues to use, though she fails at it miserably. 59% believe government monopoly schools are on the wrong track. Yup. That's right. But what this stat does not say is that the majority agree the solution involves MORE government monopoly to the exclusion of alternatives to the monopoly. 62% identify underpaid teachers as a problem. Cuz that's what is spoon-fed to the masses on a regular basis. Is there any truth to this claim? There may be, but there are no facts and figures coming from lib pols, demon supporters, teachers unions, or media allies. When libs claim teachers are underpaid, they specifically compare ONLY pay and nothing else. Because it's the 'everything else' that shows the lie of this liberal claim. Mind you, I'm not saying teachers are overpaid. I'm just saying the existing model for making comparisons isn't just flawed, it's an outright lie by the socialists among us. Find out who is making this bogus claim and you will be able to understand the lie. It's the unions, the government monopoly establishment, and media allies. There is no solution proposed by libs, unions, media type allies. Except, of course, spending more on government monopoly schools. Ask one of these lib supporters sometime how much spending on the monopoly would be sufficient. You WILL NOT get an answer!
73% agree that public money should not go to private schools. Partially, if not mostly, because 'private' is under attack by the socialist party, as well as their media allies! Everything 'private' is demonized by liberals, and libs at the central planner level have said that they believe in taking over many private businesses. Including the health care industry! Make no mistake, libs have already taken step 1 in health care take-over, and have said as much. They have been working for almost a century to take over health care and they now see light at the end of the tunnel. They are also in the process of eliminating religious freedom. The first two pillars in removing all freedoms. Guns are on the list as well. Instead of money being connected to a school, any school, the money should be directed to the child. Parents should get to choose which school, any school, they want their kids to attend. Government-run school or private school should not matter. But, this does remove control/power from both the unions and the demon pols (almost always the same group of people). Of course, making private schools as accountable as government-run schools would be important. But refusing to accept competition to a government monopoly isn't just foolish, it's short-sighted and counter-productive. If socialists rail against monopoly in every other aspect of life, ask yourself why they defend this monopoly so strongly. What exactly is it about educating kids that requires ONLY government-run schools doing it? Why is it that libs don't just defend this monopoly, but insist that it expand, grow, eliminate competition, and take all control away from parents? What is it about the government monopoly that encourages so many in positions of 'authority' to avoid it for their own kids and send their own kids to private schools?
October 2, 2015 at 10:31 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Good question Norm... could it be all these progressive folks would not want "those" kids to start showing up at their exclusive private schools with Education Vouchers in hand asking to be admitted?