Tax for teachers?
Published June 3, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, June 2, 2014.
June 3, 2014 at 9:03 am
Richard Bunce says:
This voter is angry about the damage done by government schools... to the students who attend them. Your Utopia looks to be unlimited government services/benefits for the 99% paid for by the 1%... good luck with that.
June 3, 2014 at 10:46 am
Norm Kelly says:
Envy is an interesting thing.
If libs don't envy people with money, what they call 'the rich', then why are they ALWAYS targeting this group? Why is it that if you become successful, libs want to steal what you've earned? I remember when the occupier said something about trying to change the economy so that everyone had an equal opportunity to prosper. But at the same time, the occupier's plan called for penalizing 'the rich' with a new, higher, more punitive tax. So, libs, which is it? Create an environment where everyone has the same opportunity to prosper OR penalize anyone who takes/makes the opportunity and actually succeeds financially? You can't have it both ways! The mind of a lib: like concrete; all mixed up and permanently set.
Thank you Gary for reminding us what's at the core of libs. Tax. Spend. Claim that the budget has been cut to the bone, there's nothing left to cut, our ONLY alternative is to raise taxes. But don't worry, our new, higher tax will only affect 'the rich'. Except, Gary goes one step further and shows the wizard behind the curtain. Raise the sales tax at the same time. This hurts everyone. At the same time that the central planners are raising the cost of EVERYTHING, now the state libs want to raise the cost of everything once again. Like my back pocket is an endless stream of money. Just this week the occupier did his dictator thing again. When he couldn't get Congress to go along with his belief that global climate change is man-made, like it's never happened in history before, he used his pen to put new regulation in place that will drive up the cost of electricity for EVERYONE in the country. Some businesses will be FORCED to close. Some citizens, and illegal aliens, will suffer financially trying to pay for the new price of electricity. At the same time that the occupier wants to prevent us from having electricity at a price we can afford, he's also continuing to make it impossible for any new nuclear power plants to be built. What's the carbon footprint of a nuclear plant? If the French can successfully and safely operate nuclear power plants, then obviously anyone can. This means that even in America, where the majority are educated in government schools, there's the ability to safely operate nuclear plants. But not while the libs control anything!
Remember when the libs created the tea cup museum? Cuz the budget had been cut to the bone.
Remember when the libs put the state over $2BILLION dollars in debt to pay for unemployment benefits? Also remember that when the libs put us in debt to the tune of 10% of the total budget, they also had no plan to pay off the loan.
It always comes down to the same answer for libs. There truly is NOTHING new in their playbook. Tax more. Spend more. Pit one group of hated Americans ('the rich') against another group of beloved Americans ('the poor' & illegal aliens). Pit one type of business against another type of business. Support illegal aliens more than you support the average American. Support allowing just about anyone to vote, including illegal aliens, because they are your supporters, not because it's the right thing to do.
We can go back to the failed policies of the libs any time. Hopefully there are enough voters who are leaving the 'low-information category' and moving into the 'educated voter category'. The only defense against liberalism, socialism, is an educated populace. Something that scares the daylights out of libs. Something that common core is trying to resolve, by making sure the populace is educated only enough to believe what the libs want them to believe.
June 4, 2014 at 12:59 pm
Richard Bunce says:
Yes but in the government school systems the soon to be voters will learn that paying taxes to the government is their purpose on Earth so an increase in the sales tax is actually a salute to their existence.