Talking about Charleston
Published June 25, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, June 24, 2015.
We love to “have a national conversation” at times like this.
We talk about race and hate.
We talk about the church and faith.
We talk about the Confederate flag.
We talk about politicians talking about the Confederate flag.
We talk about gun control – or not.
We talk about mental illness.
We talk about how dark Internet sites grab hold of desperate young men and women and turn them into jihadists and racists and maybe even cold-blooded murderers.
But, in the end, what can you say about a young man who goes into a church, sits in Bible study for an hour and then stands up and murders nine human beings because of the color of their skin?
And what you can say about family members who then stand up in a courtroom in grief and agony and somehow forgive him?
All you can say is that some human beings are capable of doing unimaginably evil, cowardly and terrible things.
And some human beings are capable of doing unimaginably strong, brave and good things.